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38th Bury St Edmunds Congress - Major

Last update 24.10.2021 18:14:44, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
114Pert Max PENG1788Billericay *4,50414,5
210Barnes NathanENG1810Colchester40412
37Cholewinski JerzyENG1840Suffolk *40411,5
419Nelson StuartENG1773Braintree40215
513Greatorex RogerENG1798Llangollen3,50315,5
632Catabay Mae CENG1525Colchester Junior3,50313,5
722Swiegers FrancoisENG1698Stevenage3,50216,5
812Jones GraemeENG1806Manningtree30315
916Gaffney SamuelENG1787Lowestoft30214,5
109Sarfas RobinENG1821Hammersmith30214,5
1115Pert Nina PENG1788Essex Juniors30212,5
125Hall Antony CENG1855Streatham30212
138Harper V RayENG1834Dhss30211,5
143O'gorman BrendanENG1870Dhss30113,5
154Daugman John GENG1855Cambridge City2,50214,5
1621Usher Michael EENG1716Saxmundham2,50212,5
176Waters Andrew CENG1848Rainham (Kent)2,50212,5
1831Mountford CorinneENG1593Hertford2,50210,5
1920Ivan AustinENG1758Harrow2,50111,5
2026Emmerton Stephen JENG1646Fenton2,50111,5
2123Carter Dominic AENG16754ncl Iceni2,5019
2225Woolacott RobENG1649Swale20215
2317Esuperanzi Giovanni BITA1780Cambourne2029
241Kenning Paul HENG1898Braintree20114
252Hartland Andrew DENG1876Lowestoft20113,5
2618Payne David JWLS1780Norwich Dons2019
2729De Block GertBEL1615Cambridge City2018,5
2830Richmond Charles JENG1600Newmarket1,50113
2928Chamberlain Dereck JENG1615Debenham1,50111
3033Duff-Cole John AENG1435Colchester1,5009
3124Valentine Glyn DENG1660Fenton10112
3227Weston John FENG1630Fakenham0,50012
3311Stone PeterENG1807Norwich Juniors00010,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)