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Smuk Skak GM Tournament 2021

Last update 22.08.2021 15:09:38, Creator/Last Upload: TrekantensSkak

Starting rank list of players

2GMSolodovnichenko Yuri14104369UKR2561
9GMNagy Gabor737119HUN2518
10GMBrunello Sabino813613ITA2517
4IMJanik Igor1159259POL2505
3IMOchsner Bjorn Moller1416928DEN2505
8FMSvane Frederik12923044GER2438
5IMOlsen Filip Boe1440640DEN2397
7IMPedersen Nicolai Vesterbaek1402340DEN2369
1IMLindgren Philip1713230SWE2356
6WIMAntolak Julia1159569POL2340