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Latvian Blitz chess championship-2021 Mezezers 27.06.

Last update 27.06.2021 13:49:12, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMMiezis Normunds2397LAT 36b1 18w1 12b0 28w1 7w1 11b1 2b1 9w1 5b½ 3w½ 8b0 21w1 6b11021031092287
2IMBerzinsh Roland2373LAT 37w1 20b1 9w0 19b1 30w1 13b1 1w0 7b0 29w1 5b1 21w½ 3b1 8b08,56104,51112128
3FMMustaps Matiss2359LAT 38b1 22w1 14b1 8w½ 12b1 9w0 4b1 5w½ 6b1 1b½ 11w0 2w0 10b18,57104109,52221
4GMSveshnikov Evgeny2322RUS 39w1 21b1 13w1 7b½ 9w½ 17b1 3w0 11b0 32w1 19b1 12w0 5b0 27w181299,5106,52067
5IMAntoms Guntars2298LAT 40b1 24w1 16b1 12w½ 8b1 6w1 9b0 3b½ 1w½ 2w0 13b1 4w1 7b19,54103,5109,52291
6FMKlimakovs Sergejs2204LAT 41w1 25b1 17w1 9b0 31w1 5b0 33w1 13b1 3w0 21b0 20b1 14w1 1w081498,51052046
7FMLavendelis Egons2194LAT 42b1 26w1 30b1 4w½ 1b0 20w1 8b½ 2w1 9b0 12w0 22b1 15w1 5w0811102,5108,52118
8MKBatashevs Arsens2187LAT 43w1 27b1 29w1 3b½ 5w0 19b1 7w½ 17b1 11w1 9b1 1w1 12b1 2w1111101106,52345
9FMGolubovskis Maksims2159LAT 44b1 28w1 2b1 6w1 4b½ 3b1 5w1 1b0 7w1 8w0 10b1 11b1 12w09,531041112304
10WFMGorozhankina Julia2082LAT 45w1 29b0 37w1 30b0 41w½ 43b1 26w1 21b1 13w½ 17b1 9w0 19b½ 3w07,51892,5981857
11MKAgafonov Yuri Dr2026LAT 46b1 30w0 38b1 32w1 24b1 1w0 12b1 4w1 8b0 22w1 3b1 9w0 13b081399,51052044
12FMKrustkalns Kristaps2013LAT 47w1 31b1 1w1 5b½ 3w0 29b1 11w0 16b1 19w½ 7b1 4b1 8w0 9b1951011072188
13WFMVidruska Renate1970LAT 48b1 32w1 4b0 34w1 26b1 2w0 52b1 6w0 10b½ 31w1 5w0 41b1 11w18,5990,595,51982
14MKSolomka Nikita1960LAT 49w1 33b1 3w0 29b½ 19w0 46w½ 40b1 30b½ 41w½ 24w1 28b1 6b0 44w181588,594,51814
15IRucs Andris1957LAT 50b1 34w0 40b½ 54w0 52b0 38w1 37b1 26b1 30w½ 36w1 31b1 7b0 28w072981861655
16MKKrums Ilmars1954LAT 51w1 35b1 5w0 31b0 37w½ 57b1 36b1 12w0 24b0 44w0 46b½ 52w1 40b064282,5871582
17MKGudovskis Konstantins1945LAT 52b1 58w1 6b0 36w1 46b1 4w0 24b1 8w0 28b1 10w0 30b½ 34w1 21b07,51991,597,51838
18MKMelderis Uldis1945LAT 53w1 1b0 39w1 33b0 42w1 31b1 21w0 19b0 47w1 41b½ 26w0 25b1 30w06,5358893,51695
19FMLevchenkov Vitaly1890LAT 54b½ 23w1 34b1 2w0 14b1 8w0 46b1 18w1 12b½ 4w0 44b1 10w½ 24b18,5892,597,51983
20MKSumskis Rimvydas1882LTU 55w1 2w0 42b1 41b½ 33w1 7b0 29w½ 31w0 46b1 27b1 6w0 30b1 58w181785,590,51794
21IVingris Mikelis1860LAT 56b1 4w0 44b1 46w0 51b1 32w1 18b1 10w0 36b1 6w1 2b½ 1b0 17w18,51088921953
22MKBagatais Janis1847LAT 57w1 3b0 41w0 49b1 39w1 33b0 42w1 32b1 58w1 11b0 7w0 44b0 46w17268488,51650
23MKIsakovs Janis1824LAT 58b0 19b0 63w1 50w½ 40b½ 54w½ 43b1 46w0 42b1 45w1 34b0 37w1 41b½73376,580,51484
24ISavicevs Arsenijs1813LAT 59w1 5b0 43w1 48b1 11w0 34b1 17w0 41b½ 16w1 14b0 33w1 26b1 19w07,52185,590,51799
25MKAlipovs Anatolijs1798LAT 60b1 6w0 46b0 40w1 44b1 36w0 45b1 34w1 31b0 30w0 37b½ 18w0 53b16,53879,584,51594
26IVilums Aldis1791LAT 61w1 7b0 45w1 58b1 13w0 41b½ 10b0 15w0 38b1 46w1 18b1 24w0 34b17,52283881736
27NMMaklakova Nellija1785LAT 62b1 8w0 48b0 51w0 38b1 56w1 44b1 36w0 52b1 20w0 40b1 32w1 4b073180,5841614
28IBazilius Augustinas1777LTU 63w1 9b0 49w1 1b0 43w½ 37b1 41w½ 33b1 17w0 29b1 14w0 42w1 15b181686,590,51801
29MKMierins Emils Janis1755LAT 64b1 10w1 8b0 14w½ 54b1 12w0 20b½ 52w1 2b0 28w0 58b0 45w1 51b172391961720
30ITer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepania1706LAT 65w1 11b1 7w0 10w1 2b0 52w0 54b1 14w½ 15b½ 25b1 17w½ 20w0 18b17,52086,5911895
31MKKane Marta1687LAT 66b1 12w0 50b1 16w1 6b0 18w0 51w1 20b1 25w1 13b0 15w0 58b0 33w172584,585,51745
32ITolmacevs Artjoms1679LAT 67w1 13b0 51w1 11b0 45w1 21b0 48w1 22w0 4b0 49b1 39w1 27b0 42w172783881688
33IRizihs Valerijs1648LAT 68b1 14w0 52b1 18w1 20b0 22w1 6b0 28w0 40b1 34w½ 24b0 38w1 31b06,5378587,51726
34IKazmerika Anna1646LAT 69w1 15b1 19w0 13b0 48w1 24w0 58b1 25b0 39w1 33b½ 23w1 17b0 26w06,53686911690
35MKBreikss Peteris1622LAT 70b1 16w0 58b0 52w0 60b0 50w1 61b1 48w1 44b0 54w1 42b0 46w0 45b055869,571,51279
36IFreibergs Andrejs1595LAT 1w0 53b1 66w1 17b0 58w1 25b1 16w0 27b1 21w0 15b0 41w0 49b1 39w064185861640
37WMKDombrovska Stefanija1583LAT 2b0 54w1 10b0 53w1 16b½ 28w0 15w0 49b½ 65w1 48b1 25w½ 23b0 38w16,53977,5821677
38WMKBurkevica Ilze1570LAT 3w0 55b1 11w0 57b½ 27w0 15b0 62b1 53w1 26w0 65b1 43w1 33b0 37b05,5517679,51523
39IKuznecova Marija1568LAT 4b0 56w1 18b0 60w1 22b0 58w0 63b1 54w1 34b0 52w1 32b0 48w1 36b173473771546
40IVernuks Vjaceslavs1566LAT 5w0 57b1 15w½ 25b0 23w½ 53b1 14w0 51b1 33w0 55b1 27w0 64b1 16w17328084,51679
41IFrancs Marats1506LAT 6b0 60w1 22b1 20w½ 10b½ 26w½ 28b½ 24w½ 14b½ 18w½ 36b1 13w0 23w½72489,594,51863
42IJansone Melanija Luize1467LAT 7w0 59b1 20w0 61b1 18b0 60w1 22b0 56w1 23w0 51b1 35w1 28b0 32b064477,581,51567
43IAleidzans Vadims1447LAT 8b0 62w1 24b0 64w1 28b½ 10w0 23w0 65b0 50b1 53w1 38b0 51w0 57w15,55078,5821460
44IBubnys Marius1440LTU 9w0 61b1 21w0 59b1 25w0 55b1 27w0 57b1 35w1 16b1 19w0 22w1 14b07308185,51690
45IOzols Andris1429LAT 10b0 64w1 26b0 56w1 32b0 61w1 25w0 58b0 57w1 23b0 55w1 29b0 35w164675791477
46IVasiljeva Sofja1423LAT 11w0 63b1 25w1 21b1 17w0 14b½ 19w0 23b1 20w0 26b0 16w½ 35b1 22b064087,591,51778
47IVingris Janis1379LAT 12b0 66w0 54b0 67w1 61b0 65w1 64b1 60w1 18b0 58w0 52b0 56w1 48b164868691281
48IMaklakova Naomi1378LAT 13w0 65b1 27w1 24w0 34b0 63w1 32b0 35b0 59w1 37w0 54b1 39b0 47w055675,579,51427
49IJakubsevicus Raimonds1369LAT 14b0 68w1 28b0 22w0 63b0 66b1 57w½ 37w½ 56b1 32w0 59b1 36w0 60b164967,568,51393
50IRezniks Roberts1359LAT 15w0 67b1 31w0 23b½ 57w0 35b0 53w0 66b1 43w0 70b1 64w0 68b1 65w15,55361,562,51316
51IAdamovics Aleksejs1352LAT 16b0 70w1 32b0 27b1 21w0 64w1 31b0 40w0 60b1 42w0 56b1 43b1 29w064576781497
52ITolmacevs Romans1346LAT 17w0 69b1 33w0 35b1 15w1 30b1 13w0 29b0 27w0 39b0 47w1 16b0 61w164380,585,51632
53IYovanovich Victor1337LAT 18b0 36w0 62b1 37b0 65w½ 40w0 50b1 38b0 61w1 43b0 57w1 69b1 25w05,55268,5721367
54IIJansons Kristers Roberts1321LAT 19w½ 37b0 47w1 15b1 29w0 23b½ 30w0 39b0 69w1 35b0 48w0 63b1 64w055578821453
55ITestelecs Ilja Kuprijans1257LAT 20b0 38w0 64b0 66b1 69w1 44w0 60b0 63w1 67b1 40w0 45b0 61w0 70b155966671216
56IFreibergs Filips1207LAT 21w0 39b0 65w1 45b0 66w1 27b0 59w1 42b0 49w0 63b1 51w0 47b0 68w046568,569,51225
57IIJansons Edijs1202LAT 22b0 40w0 67b1 38w½ 50b1 16w0 49b½ 44w0 45b0 69w½ 53b0 59w1 43b04,56371,576,51342
58IAndrusevics Jegors1188LAT 23w1 17b0 35w1 26w0 36b0 39b1 34w0 45w1 22b0 47b1 29w1 31w1 20b072882,587,51719
59IKuchina Polina1162LAT 24b0 42w0 68b1 44w0 64b0 69w1 56b0 70w1 48b0 67w1 49w0 57b0 62w156162,564,51208
60IITolmaceva Alona1155LAT 25w0 41b0 69w1 39b0 35w1 42b0 55w1 47b0 51w0 64b0 70w1 67b1 49w055771731297
61IIVidrusks Arturs1101LAT 26b0 44w0 70b1 42w0 47w1 45b0 35w0 67b0 53b0 68w1 62w1 55b1 52b056065671279
62IISokolovs Maksimilians1086LAT 27w0 43b0 53w0 69b0 68w+ 67b0 38w0 68b1 64w0 66w1 61b0 70w1 59b046758,559,51083
63IIVidrusks Jekabs1086LAT 28b0 46w0 23b0 68w1 49w1 48b0 39w0 55b0 70b1 56w0 66b1 54w0 69w046663641225
64IICherepanov Daniil A1072NED 29w0 45b0 55w1 43b0 59w1 51b0 47w0 69b0 62b1 60w1 50b1 40w0 54b164768,5721315
65IIFreibergs Raimonds1062LAT 30b0 48w0 56b0 70w1 53b½ 47b0 67w1 43w1 37b0 38w0 69b0 66w1 50b04,56463,564,51244
66IIIMaklakova Dafne1039LAT 31w0 47b1 36b0 55w0 56b0 49w0 70b0 50w0 68w0 62b0 63w0 65b0 67w01705961883
67IBurka Kaspars0LAT 32b0 50w0 57w0 47b0 70b1 62w1 65b0 61w1 55w0 59b0 68b1 60w0 66b156255,556,51135
68IIBalta Hugo Kristians0LAT 33w0 49b0 59w0 63b0 62b- 70w0 69b0 62w0 66b1 61b0 67w0 50w0 56b12685758948
69IIGorohovs Aleksandrs0LAT 34b0 52w0 60b0 62w1 55b0 59b0 68w1 64w1 54b0 57b½ 65w1 53w0 63b15,55460,5631169
70IIIvulans Patriks0LAT 35w0 51b0 61w0 65b0 67w0 68b1 66w1 59b0 63w0 50w0 60b0 62b0 55w02695657910

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