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International GM Tournament Kfar Saba 2021

Last update 05.06.2021 22:57:51, Creator: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 114),Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 8)

Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED12345678910Pts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMRozen Eytan2365ISR*0½1½1½1116,525,0005
2GMFlom Gabriel2488FRA1*01½0½111624,5005
3IMErenberg Ariel2495ISR½1*½001111623,2505
4WGMEfroimski Marsel2381ISR00½*111½11621,7505
5GMRozentalis Eduardas2529LTU½½10*½½½115,521,7503
6IMGorshtein Ido2418ISR0110½*0½01417,5003
7GMAbergel Thal2420FRA½½00½1*0½½3,515,0001
8GMDvoirys Semen I.2462RUS000½½½1*013,512,2502
9IMTravadon Loic2404FRA000001½1*½39,7502
10FMLevin Guy2380ISR000000½0½*13,2500

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable