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2020-2021 FIDE World Chess Candidates Tournament

Last update 27.04.2021 22:17:47, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation


Round 1 on 2020/03/17 at 16.00
112758GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime½ - ½GMCaruana Fabiano28208
222791GMDing Liren0 - 1GMWang Hao27637
332776GMGiri Anish0 - 1GMNepomniachtchi Ian27896
442777GMGrischuk Alexander½ - ½GMAlekseenko Kirill26965
Round 2 on 2020/03/18 at 16.00
182820GMCaruana Fabiano1 - 0GMAlekseenko Kirill26965
262789GMNepomniachtchi Ian½ - ½GMGrischuk Alexander27774
372763GMWang Hao½ - ½GMGiri Anish27763
412758GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime1 - 0GMDing Liren27912
Round 3 on 2020/03/19 at 16.00
122791GMDing Liren1 - 0GMCaruana Fabiano28208
232776GMGiri Anish½ - ½GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime27581
342777GMGrischuk Alexander½ - ½GMWang Hao27637
452696GMAlekseenko Kirill½ - ½GMNepomniachtchi Ian27896
Round 4 on 2020/03/21 at 16.00
182820GMCaruana Fabiano½ - ½GMNepomniachtchi Ian27896
272763GMWang Hao½ - ½GMAlekseenko Kirill26965
312758GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime½ - ½GMGrischuk Alexander27774
422791GMDing Liren½ - ½GMGiri Anish27763
Round 5 on 2020/03/22 at 16.00
132776GMGiri Anish½ - ½GMCaruana Fabiano28208
242777GMGrischuk Alexander½ - ½GMDing Liren27912
352696GMAlekseenko Kirill½ - ½GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime27581
462789GMNepomniachtchi Ian1 - 0GMWang Hao27637
Round 6 on 2020/03/23 at 16.00
182820GMCaruana Fabiano½ - ½GMWang Hao27637
212758GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime1 - 0GMNepomniachtchi Ian27896
322791GMDing Liren½ - ½GMAlekseenko Kirill26965
432776GMGiri Anish½ - ½GMGrischuk Alexander27774
Round 7 on 2020/03/25 at 16.00
142777GMGrischuk Alexander½ - ½GMCaruana Fabiano28208
252696GMAlekseenko Kirill0 - 1GMGiri Anish27763
362789GMNepomniachtchi Ian1 - 0GMDing Liren27912
472763GMWang Hao½ - ½GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime27581
Round 8 on 2021/04/19 at 14.00
182820GMCaruana Fabiano1 - 0GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime27581
272763GMWang Hao½ - ½GMDing Liren27912
362789GMNepomniachtchi Ian½ - ½GMGiri Anish27763
452696GMAlekseenko Kirill1 - 0GMGrischuk Alexander27774
Round 9 on 2021/04/20 at 14.00
152696GMAlekseenko Kirill½ - ½GMCaruana Fabiano28208
242777GMGrischuk Alexander½ - ½GMNepomniachtchi Ian27896
332776GMGiri Anish1 - 0GMWang Hao27637
422791GMDing Liren½ - ½GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime27581
Round 10 on 2021/04/21 at 14.00
182820GMCaruana Fabiano½ - ½GMDing Liren27912
212758GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime½ - ½GMGiri Anish27763
372763GMWang Hao½ - ½GMGrischuk Alexander27774
462789GMNepomniachtchi Ian1 - 0GMAlekseenko Kirill26965
Round 11 on 2021/04/23 at 14.00
162789GMNepomniachtchi Ian½ - ½GMCaruana Fabiano28208
252696GMAlekseenko Kirill½ - ½GMWang Hao27637
342777GMGrischuk Alexander1 - 0GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime27581
432776GMGiri Anish1 - 0GMDing Liren27912
Round 12 on 2021/04/24 at 14.00
182820GMCaruana Fabiano0 - 1GMGiri Anish27763
222791GMDing Liren1 - 0GMGrischuk Alexander27774
312758GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime1 - 0GMAlekseenko Kirill26965
472763GMWang Hao0 - 1GMNepomniachtchi Ian27896
Round 13 on 2021/04/26 at 14.00
172763GMWang Hao0 - 1GMCaruana Fabiano28208
262789GMNepomniachtchi Ian½ - ½GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime27581
352696GMAlekseenko Kirill0 - 1GMDing Liren27912
442777GMGrischuk Alexander1 - 0GMGiri Anish27763
Round 14 on 2021/04/27 at 14.00
182820GMCaruana Fabiano½ - ½GMGrischuk Alexander27774
232776GMGiri Anish0 - 1GMAlekseenko Kirill26965
322791GMDing Liren1 - 0GMNepomniachtchi Ian27896
412758GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime1 - 0GMWang Hao27637