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Riga Chess Club - 3rd anniversary 05.08.2020.

Last update 07.08.2020 11:03:35, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMSveshnikov Evgeny2330RUS 17w1 10b1 6w1 3b½ 2w½ 5b½ 9w½ 30b16331,5382132
2FMZuckovs Aleksejs2293LAT 18b1 9w1 7b1 5w1 1b½ 3w½ 6b½ 12w½6232,5392269
3IMSveshnikov Vladimir2249LAT 19w1 12b1 13w1 1w½ 5b½ 2b½ 15w1 6w16,5131,537,52267
4NMJazdanovs Aleksandrs2168LAT 20b½ 15w0 24w1 17b0 19w- 27w- -0 -01,53021,526,51530
5NMSmorodinskis Igors2162LAT 16w1 14b1 15w1 2b0 3w½ 1w½ 17b1 9b½5,5431,5382126
6MKGolubovskis Maksims2122LAT 21b1 11w1 1b0 30w1 7b1 17w1 2w½ 3b05,553137,52035
7WIMAmerika Katrina2117LAT 22w1 31b1 2w0 12b1 6w0 9w0 21b1 15b½4,51227331802
8FMLevchenkov Vitaly2022LAT 23b1 13w0 20b1 21w0 18b0 25w1 11b0 19w03232227,51537
9FMKrustkalns Kristaps2005LAT 24w1 2b0 19w1 13b½ 15w1 7b1 1b½ 5w½5,5628,534,52089
10MKBrikers Aleksandrs1973LAT 25b1 1w0 21b0 27w1 20b0 29w1 18b1 11w041523,529,51583
11MKMelderis Uldis1952LAT 26w1 6b0 31w1 15b0 13w1 30b½ 8w1 10b15,582227,51775
12MKGudovskis Konstantins1921LAT 27b1 3w0 23b1 7w0 29b1 18w1 20b1 2b½5,572531,51836
13IMierins Emils Janis1877LAT 28w1 8b1 3b0 9w½ 11b0 19w1 30w0 20b14,51325,5321725
14IMulevicius Andrius1709LTU 29b1 5w0 30b0 25w1 23b1 20w0 27w1 17b041822,5281428
15IVingris Mikelis1799LAT 30w1 4b1 5b0 11w1 9b0 21w1 3b0 7w½4,51028,5351938
16ILintner Felix1792AUT 5b0 20w½ 18b0 22w1 30b0 28w1 23b1 21w14,51420,5261516
17IJaroshs Maksims1705LAT 1b0 25w1 29b1 4w1 21b1 6b0 5w0 14w15925,531,51889
18ITer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepania1701LAT 2w0 24b0 16w1 28b1 8w1 12b0 10w0 27b141922281703
19IPetrovska Arina1625LAT 3b0 27w1 9b0 29w0 4b+ 13b0 25w1 8b141722,5291627
20IAminovs Maksims1587LAT 4w½ 16b½ 8w0 24b1 10w1 14b1 12w0 13w041623,5291855
21ITabors Emils1508LAT 6w0 26b1 10w1 8b1 17w0 15b0 7w0 16b032225,5311765
22IOzols Andris1423LAT 7b0 29w0 27b0 16b0 -1 31w½ 28b1 26w13,5211620,51245
23WMKZalcmane Vija1388LAT 8w0 28b1 12w0 31b1 14w0 26b½ 16w0 25b02,5271823,51371
24IVingris Janis1378LAT 9b0 18w1 4b0 20w0 27b0 -1 26w1 29b03252025,51409
25ICoat Sven1356FRA 10w0 17b0 26w1 14b0 28w1 8b0 19b0 23w132619241503
26INapins Vadims1282LAT 11b0 21w0 25b0 -1 31w1 23w½ 24b0 22b02,5281621,51199
27ISidass Dmitrijs1227LAT 12w0 19b0 22w1 10b0 24w1 4b+ 14b0 18w032421,5271518
28ISprancis Girts1014LAT 13b0 23w0 -1 18w0 25b0 16b0 22w0 31b122919,5241196
29IJefremov Aivar0LAT 14w0 22b1 17w0 19b1 12w0 10b0 31b1 24w14202227,51592
30IStirna Uldis0LAT 15b0 -1 14w1 6b0 16w1 11w½ 13b1 1w04,51128,534,51940
31IITer-Avetisjana Agapi0LAT -1 7w0 11b0 23w0 26b0 22b½ 29w0 28w01,53119,5251032

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)