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Cerrado 1 al 9 agosto 2020 MC manana

Last update 09.08.2020 13:43:20, Creator/Last Upload: Manuel Navarro Perez

Starting rank list of players

6MKFernandez Aguilar Francisco22862622317
8Saez Coma Alejandro320048182292
4Saguillo Gonzalez Oriol320741152248
2MKSanchez Lopez Juan Manuel22270372233
1Cano Sevilla Ivan320435462228
7MKPrats Rodriguez Juan Bosco22214112193
10MKMolano Lafuente Ismael22850022168
5Garcia De Blas Esteban22299192148
9Moreno Oller Victor245717922100
3Serrano Batova Vicent245983802077