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TINERII LEI BAIA MARE NR.5- (ONLINE-) Inscrieri limita : 28.05.2020 GRATUIT PENTRU TOATA LUMEA . INFORMATII :0757 789 548 Negrea Iulian Eugen

Last update 30.05.2020 19:10:53, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 66)

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1abel12 (Kovacs Abel)ROU 25w1 19b½ 37w1 40w1 11b0 20b1 4w15,5302027
2aleesia2009 (Dirle Aleesia)ROU 26b1 32w1 36b1 11w1 5b1 17w1 40b17102129
3alex sofineti (Sofineti Alexandru Mihai)ROU 27w1 20b0 24w0 31b1 16w0 35b0 7w133501419
4alexabrudan (Abdrudan Alex)ROU 28b1 34w1 40b0 7w1 36b0 29w1 1b041701924,5
5alexia.h (Hoanca Alexia-Ioana)ROU 29w1 24b1 41w1 46b1 2w0 47b1 11w16202435
6alinamoldovan (Moldovan Alina-Cristina)ROU 30b1 36w0 29b0 32b1 23w1 37b1 41w0422014,520,5
7amalia 2020 (Zamfirache Amalia)ROU 31w1 37b½ 19w1 4b0 47b0 39w0 3b02,53801926
8andra_pop_p (Pop Popescu Andra)ROU 32b0 38w1 34b1 24w0 15b0 19w0 48b133101723,5
9Andrei David (David Andrei Alexandru)ROU 33w1 41b0 32w1 29b0 18w0 45b1 22w1421015,522,5
10andrei gabriel (Crisan Andrei)ROU 34b0 28w1 42b0 33w1 25b1 44w0 19b033301621
11andrei.8 (Nasui Andrei)ROU 35w1 45b1 47w1 2b0 1w1 36b1 5b054023,533,5
12balazs14 (Kovacs Balazs)ROU 36b0 29w0 27b1 34w1 44b0 25w1 43b1419016,522,5
13boc david (Boc David)ROU 37w0 31b1 35w1 41b0 32w1 43b1 42w151001522
14bogdanghimis (Ghimis Roates Bogdan)ROU 38b½ 46w0 23b1 19w0 39b0 34w0 27b12,539017,523,5
15chiraalex (Chira Alex)ROU 39w1 47b0 43w0 35b1 8w1 41b0 37w1418018,526,5
16claudiubanc (Bank Marc)ROU 40b0 30w1 44b1 36w0 3b1 42w0 29b032902026
17crisandarian (Crisan Darian)ROU 41w0 33b1 45w1 43b1 46w1 2b0 47w041402130
18cuscoandrei (Cusco Andrei)ROU 42b1 40w0 48b1 47w0 9b1 46w0 34b½3,524021,528,5
19dariusmm (Martin Darius)ROU 43w1 1w½ 7b0 14b1 20w0 8b1 10w14,51101523
20david verdes (Verdes David)ROU 44b1 3w1 46b0 42w½ 19b1 1w0 39b03,52302331,5
21davidbogdan (Puicar David)ROU 45w0 35b0 31w0 39b0 30w1 32b1 33w133601217,5
22dicudavid (Dicu David)ROU 46b0 42w0 28b1 44w0 33b1 48w1 9b033201722
23Dragos10 (Lenghel Bologa Darius George)ROU 47w0 39b½ 14w0 45b1 6b0 38w0 26b01,54501825,5
24dsofineti (Sofineti David-Andrei)ROU 48b1 5w0 3b1 8b1 41w1 40w0 44b041602129
25dumialexandru (Dumitrescu Alexandru Petru)ROU 1b0 44w0 30b1 48w1 10w0 12b0 45w024101723,5
26hannikapopa (Popa Hannah)ROU 2w0 43b0 33w0 28b1 35w0 31b1 23w1337011,518,5
27irisz2012 (Zaharia Irisz)ROU 3b0 48w0 12w0 30b1 45w0 33b0 14w0146112,517,5
28iulianviorel (Steriu Ianis)ROU 4w0 10b0 22w0 26w0 48b0 30b0 32w004801318
29limonademan (Kiss Tamas)ROU 5b0 12b1 6w1 9w1 40b0 4b0 16w141502130
30luis alexandru (Paul Luis)ROU 6w0 16b0 25w0 27w0 21b0 28w1 31b014701115
31marajecan (Jecan Mara)ROU 7b0 13w0 21b1 3w0 34b0 26w0 30w124301521
32marasuteu (Suteu Mara)ROU 8w1 2b0 9b0 6w0 13b0 21w0 28b124001926
33mateo lapusan (Lapusan Mateo)ROU 9b0 17w0 26b1 10b0 22w0 27w1 21b024201621
34mirunutza12 (Covaci Miruna)ROU 10w1 4b0 8w0 12b0 31w1 14b1 18w½3,52501622
35petcufloare (Petcu Ina)ROU 11b0 21w1 13b0 15w0 26b1 3w1 38b0330018,526,5
36petreb (Breban Petre)ROU 12w1 6b1 2w0 16b1 4w1 11w0 46b041302232
37prodanrares (Prodan Rares)ROU 13b1 7w½ 1b0 38w1 42b½ 6w0 15b0327020,528,5
38rebeca13 (Boldan Rebeca)ROU 14w½ 8b0 39w1 37b0 43w0 23b1 35w13,526014,520,5
39Redbull2011 (Zvenyak Johanna)ROU 15b0 23w½ 38b0 21w1 14w1 7b1 20w14,51201520,5
40rraul (Covrig Raul)ROU 16w1 18b1 4w1 1b0 29w1 24b1 2w05502131
41ruzsaraul (Ruzsa Raul)ROU 17b1 9w1 5b0 13w1 24b0 15w1 6b15602131
42sara.sunea (Sunea Sara)ROU 18w0 22b1 10w1 20b½ 37w½ 16b1 13b042001624
43savu (Savu Mihai)ROU 19b0 26w1 15b1 17w0 38b1 13w0 12w032802028
44sergiu.mihai (Chioreanu Sergiu)ROU 20w0 25b1 16w0 22b1 12w1 10b1 24w159016,522,5
45suteucatalin (Suteu Catalin)ROU 21b1 11w0 17b0 23w0 27b1 9w0 25b1334014,520,5
46victor_95 (Deac Victor)ROU 22w1 14b1 20w1 5w0 17b0 18b1 36w15801826,5
47VladPff (Petroff Vlad)ROU 23b1 15w1 11b0 18b1 7w1 5w0 17b15701926,5
48vulpescu tudor (Vulpescu Tudor)ROU 24w0 27b1 18w0 25b0 28w1 22b0 8w0244012,516,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)