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National Youth Blitz CC 2020 Under 14 Girls [2006 - 2007] @11.00 AM

Last update 16.02.2020 12:11:34, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1WCMSanudula K M Dahamdi1317SRI 24w1 18b1 9w1 8b0 17w1 2b1 19w162027,530,5
2WCMPallie Ehsha Mishela1295SRI 25b+ 19b1 10w1 5w1 13b1 1w0 7b161029,532,5
3Bandara Thushi Shiwanga1264SRI 26w0 32b1 22w1 18b0 43w1 11b0 12w141902022
4Weerawardana Oneli Vihanga1236SRI 27b1 21w0 30b1 19w0 31b1 17b1 10w15902224
5Wilvalaarachchi Oneli Omaya1230SRI 28w1 20b1 11w1 2b0 8w1 19b0 29w15502831
6Weerasekara A W C N1228SRI 29b1 37w1 13b0 21w0 30b1 18w1 11b041402526,5
7Attanayake Chanindi Mewna1225SRI 30w0 34b1 36w1 24b1 18w1 12b1 2w0510021,522
8Marasinghe Chanethma Devangi1205SRI 31b1 38w1 17b1 1w1 5b0 21w1 13b16302729
9Gamage M Nuwanthi Silva1186SRI 32w1 26b1 1b0 28w1 19b0 44w1 21b0413025,527,5
10Sandanayake Dehansa Nisanduni1177SRI 33b1 39w1 2b0 29w0 38b1 26w1 4b0415024,526
11Fernando Suwani Amandha1176SRI 34w1 30b1 5b0 38w1 21b0 3w1 6w158023,524
12Gamage Desandhi Dhihansa1174SRI 35b½ 45w1 21b1 13w0 28b1 7w0 3b03,52202629
13Wickramarathne P W G Gaveshi1171SRI 36w1 46b1 6w1 12b1 2w0 29b1 8w057025,527
14Piyumanthi M Sayumi Vimansa1161SRI 37b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0042016,517,5
15Kodikara Hansi Dewmini1124SRI 38w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0043016,517,5
16Bandara W A S V T1117SRI 39b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0044016,517,5
17Rathnayake Tenuli Dhahamna1114SRI 40w1 47b1 8w0 43b1 1b0 4w0 26b½3,52102830,5
18Edirisinghe E M Shanulya Deenu T1107SRI 41b1 1w0 31b1 3w1 7b0 6b0 40w032702527
19Fernando H Methushi Amaya1107SRI 42w+ 2w0 37b1 4b1 9w1 5w1 1b054028,530
20Galappaththi Ananya Sandamini1099SRI 43b1 5w0 38b0 37w½ 39b½ 41w1 44b0332019,521
21Thennakoon Rumethma1072SRI 44w1 4b1 12w0 6b1 11w1 8b0 9w156027,531
22Wijayananda W A S T1067SRI 45b½ 35w1 3b0 26w0 37b1 39w0 47w02,53302223,5
23Panchali Kaveesha1057SRI 46w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0045016,517,5
24Deshani D A Imalshi Abhisheka1055SRI 1b0 33w1 39b1 7w0 44b0 38w1 43w1416023,525
25Weerathunga W Gimashi Dewlini1043SRI 2w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0046016,517,5
26Hathurusinghe Dulmini Nuwangi1040SRI 3b1 9w0 43w0 22b1 47w1 10b0 17w½3,523021,524
27Fernando Thimansa Amashi1039SRI 4w0 36b0 34w1 45b0 40w0 46b1 35b023702020,5
28Mulleriyawa Nethumli Rashmitha1039SRI 5b0 41w1 46w1 9b0 12w0 40b0 32w1331020,522
29Rambukwella Ruwanya Sethumli1026SRI 6w0 40b1 47w1 10b1 45w1 13w0 5b0412025,529
30Gunawardana Chamathri1021SRI 7b1 11w0 4w0 40b1 6w0 45b0 33w1326026,528
31Seenipellage Sathmi Tharumini1015SRI 8w0 44b1 18w0 46b1 4w0 43b0 38b0235022,524
32Aberathne Vinumi0SRI 9b0 3w0 41b1 39w0 36b0 34w1 28b0238019,520
33Ariyathilake Denuri Anjalee0SRI 10w0 24b0 40w0 34b1 41w0 -1 30b0240018,519
34Dabarera W Rebeca Keshani0SRI 11b0 7w0 27b0 33w0 -1 32b0 46w014101718
35De Silva S N K0SRI 12w½ 22b0 45w0 47b0 46w1 37b1 27w13,525016,518
36Dias Karunarathna Ranudi Chehans0SRI 13b0 27w1 7b0 44w0 32w1 47b0 -132902123
37Fernando Selani Dileka0SRI 14w+ 6b0 19w0 20b½ 22w0 35w0 41b½236020,522,5
38Gunawardhane Pahasarani Arunodya0SRI 15b+ 8b0 20w1 11b0 10w0 24b0 31w132802527
39Kaushala D G Bihansi0SRI 16w+ 10b0 24w0 32b1 20w½ 22b1 45w14,51102022
40Kothalawala K Imandi Dilshara0SRI 17b0 29w0 33b1 30w0 27b1 28w1 18b1420018,520
41Nawarathna Hasini Dilantha0SRI 18w0 28b0 32w0 -1 33b1 20b0 37w½2,53401415,5
42Nirupadi R M Nethra0SRI 19b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0047016,517,5
43Peiris T Vihari Sadithma0SRI 20w0 -1 26b1 17w0 3b0 31w1 24b0330020,522,5
44Premasiri T A Dinali Sahansa0SRI 21b0 31w0 -1 36b1 24w1 9b0 20w1417020,522,5
45Weerasekara Induwaree Danuththar0SRI 22w½ 12b0 35b1 27w1 29b0 30w1 39b03,524020,522,5
46Weerathilake R G Lithumya Methsa0SRI 23b+ 13w0 28b0 31w0 35b0 27w0 34b1239018,519
47Weragoda W A S Anuththara0SRI -1 17w0 29b0 35w1 26b0 36w1 22b141802022,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)