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49e Torneig Social del CE Tres Peons (238344)

Last update 04.03.2020 21:15:54, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Gallart Zafra

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Madrid Sole Antonio2023 41b1 29w1 2b0 30w1 15b1 12w1 13b1 7w1733,530,530
2Catarineu Morales Alex2106 32w1 8b1 1w1 12w1 13b1 7w1 -0 3b0638,53533
3Sanchez Sanchez Ignasi2028 31w1 15b1 5b½ 16w½ 9b1 13w½ 12b½ 2w16383528
4Espuny Vinye Ramon2103 28b1 14w1 13b0 20w½ 6w½ 23b1 8w½ 16b15,5373324,5
5Corominas Garrido Jordi1931 36b1 38w+ 3w½ 18b1 7w- 16w½ 14b½ 12w15,5363326,5
6Tardio Fran Emilio1927 51b1 12w0 40b1 29w1 4b½ 22b½ 15w½ 14w15,533,530,524,5
7Cardenas Fernando Adrian2147 61b+ 9w1 50b1 13w0 5b+ 2b0 22w1 1b05423827
8Baratech Galup Juan Manuel1922 58w+ 2w0 37b1 28w1 12b0 30w1 4b½ 10w½53532,523,5
9Galceran Porqueras Joan1929 52w1 7b0 17w1 23b1 3w0 15b0 26w1 24b15353122
10Martin Valentin Francisco2028 57b+ 16b½ 18w0 32b1 11w½ 17b½ 20w1 8b½534,53122,5
11Valls Sole Josep2083 18w½ 19b0 52w+ 42w1 10b½ 14w0 30b1 15w1533,530,520
12Vargas Drechsler Carlos2161 26w1 6b1 22w1 2b0 8w1 1b0 3w½ 5b04,543,539,526
13Vendrell Sigales Carles1937 45w1 43b1 4w1 7b1 2w0 3b½ 1w0 -04,538,53627,5
14Sanmarti Falguera Ricard1915 27w1 4b0 38w1 22b0 39w1 11b1 5w½ 6b04,538,53522
15Aparicio Escudero Hector F.1887 33b1 3w0 54b1 50w+ 1w0 9w1 6b½ 11b04,536,535,523
16Volart Buil Jordi1919 37b1 10w½ 42b1 3b½ 22w½ 5b½ 24w½ 4w04,536,53424,5
17Lobo Pereira Arami1843 47b+ 50w0 9b0 37w1 41b1 10w½ 21b½ 19w½4,533,53120
18Lopez Arjona Emilio1794 11b½ 46w1 10b1 5w0 20b0 19w0 42b1 29w14,5333120
19Van Keulen Onno2093 -0 11w1 28b0 36w1 -0 18b1 23w1 17b½4,5322917,5
20Iglesias Lopez Albert1884 56w1 22b0 39w1 4b½ 18w1 -0 10b0 31w14,531,529,521,5
21Cabello Llopis Joan Emili2018 -0 36w1 -0 49b½ 31w1 26b½ 17w½ 32b14,528,525,517
22Peiron Lluch Jose Daniel2024 55b1 20w1 12b0 14w1 16b½ 6w½ 7b0 -04353223,5
23Navarro Fornos Pere Josep1851 34b1 -0 44w+ 9w0 40b1 4w0 19b0 41w1433,53119
24Cubeles Marquez Albert1952 -0 52b½ 33w1 31b1 -0 32w1 16b½ 9w04312818,5
25Martinez Torras Pol1943 49b1 30w1 -0 -0 28b1 -0 39w1 -04302721
26Pereda Villalba Julian1811 12b0 37w0 47b½ 46w1 34b1 21w½ 9b0 36w14292714,5
27Esteban Tudela Oriol1700 14b0 28w0 -0 56b1 -0 54w+ 49w1 42w1425,524,511
28Donadeu Buitrago Jordi1801 4w0 27b1 19w1 8b0 25w0 49b1 -0 30w½3,536,533,516,5
29Pinyol I Llora Julia1854 62b+ 1b0 45w1 6b0 38w0 35b½ 44w1 18b03,534,53217,5
30Membrives Pino Didac1850 44w1 25b0 43w1 1b0 35w1 8b0 11w0 28b½3,53431,518,5
31Casabona Fina David1764 3b0 55w½ 34b+ 24w0 21b0 36w1 47b1 20b03,5343114,5
32Delgado Fernandez Luis1803 2b0 33w½ 55b1 10w0 47b1 24b0 35w1 21w03,533,530,515,5
33Molina Tabernero Jordi1699 15w0 32b½ 24b0 47w0 52w0 -1 48b1 46w13,527,525,59,5
34Cervera Alemany Serafi1649 23w0 35b½ 31w- 52w+ 26w0 43b½ 45w½ 44b13,52623,512
35Palomero Galvez Antonio1744 50b0 34w½ 46b½ 54w1 30b0 29w½ 32b0 47w+3,5242314
36Delgado Torra Bruno1725 5w0 21b0 56w1 19b0 46w1 31b0 43w1 26b03302812
37Garcia Mosquera Eduardo1708 16w0 26b1 8w0 17b0 54b1 40w0 41b0 -1329,528,512
38Montserrat Rubia Angel1837 48w1 5b- 14b0 44w1 29b1 -0 -0 -0329,527,517
39Madrid Sole Pedro1831 46b½ 42w½ 20b0 48w1 14b0 41w1 25b0 -0329,527,515,5
40Bertrand Sjors1783 -0 56b1 6w0 45b1 23w0 37b1 -0 -03292715
41Marcas Vila Luis1764 1w0 44b0 51w1 43b1 17w0 39b0 37w1 23b032926,513
42Orriols Codina Joan1818 54w1 39b½ 16w0 11b0 49w½ 45b1 18w0 27b0328,527,516,5
43Benages Mabres Valenti1198 -1 13w0 30b0 41w0 44b½ 34w½ 36b0 51w1327,52512,5
44Quintanilla Paz-Soldan Mario1568 30b0 41w1 23b- 38b0 43w½ 52b+ 29b0 34w02,528,52612
45Castillo Rosa Jose Luis1737 13b0 47w1 29b0 40w0 48b1 42w0 34b½ -02,5282612
46Gendre Diez Virginia1440 39w½ 18b0 35w½ 26b0 36b0 48w½ -1 33b02,5272510,5
47Alberti Carrasco Pau1530 17w- 45b0 26w½ 33b1 32w0 51b+ 31w0 35b-2,526,523,511
48Shenkel Alberto1529 38b0 49w0 -1 39b0 45w0 46b½ 33w0 54b12,524,523,58,5
49Diaz Clemente Gonzalo1742 25w0 48b1 -0 21w½ 42b½ 28w0 27b0 -02333111,5
50Quiles Olive Manel1946 35w1 17b1 7w0 15b- -0 -0 -0 -02312815
51Morales Rubiella Albert1710 6w0 -0 41b0 -0 -1 47w- 54w1 43b0227266
52Mediavilla Marti Pablo1724 9b0 24w½ 11b- 34b- 33b1 44w- -0 -01,531,5297,5
53Forcadell Escouffier Albert1686 60b+ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0132288
54Morales Gesti Jose Narciso1430 42b0 -1 15w0 35b0 37w0 27b- 51b0 48w0126247
55Pifarre Gene Joan Baptista1651 22w0 31b½ 32w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00,531283,5
56Segador Sanchez Didac1693 20b0 40w0 36b0 27w0 -0 -0 -0 -0033300
57Soler Ferrer Felipe1774 10w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032,528,50
Boldu Zabih Llorenc1708 8b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032,528,50
59Costa Ribalta Andres1936 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032280
Granados Falco Fernando1851 53w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032280
Amirkhanyan Mane1805 7w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0032280
62Bernis Campos Aitor1690 29w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0031280

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break