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2019 Aurora Winter Bliss

Last update 11.12.2019 04:57:14, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Vijendra Vinushan1749CAN 37b1 35w1 12b1 11w1 5b151311,50
2Zhuang Jinrong (Winnie)1363CAN 39b1 3w½ 19b1 8w1 7b½415,5140
3Ruchinskaya Valerie1535CAN 23w1 2b½ 36b1 13w1414,5130
4Tan Brendan1511CAN 42b1 30w1 11b0 12w1 15b1412110
5Chen Andrew1393CAN 40b1 6w1 13b1 1w03,515,5140
6Ruan Colin1720CAN 10w1 5b0 23w1 14b13,51512,50
7Tapping Chris1606CAN 16w1 13b0 20w1 28b1 2w½3,514,512,50
8Kessler Daniel1012CAN 24w1 22b1 2b0 21w13,51411,50
9Yang Lefan1482CAN 19w0 24b1 25w1 22b13,51310,50
10Lin James1185CAN 46w1 6b0 31w1 11b13,511,511,50
11Xu Leon1322CAN 15w1 31b1 4w1 1b0 10w0317,515,50
12Pearson Dave1426CAN 32w1 20b1 1w0 4b0 28w1315,513,50
13Lin Ethan1408CAN 41b1 7w1 21b1 5w0 3b031513,50
14Qian Eric1500CAN 38b1 16w1 6w0313,511,50
15Bu Ryan927CAN 11b0 33w1 30b1 37w1 4w0313110
16Kapelnikov David1247CAN 7b0 39w1 35b1 14b0 31w1311,5100
17Hall William1455CAN 35b0 41w1 18b1 46w1 -0310100
18Mackenzie Charlie939CAN 28w0 46b1 17w0 44b1 30b138,58,50
19Garel Richard1602CAN 9b1 2w0 26b1 -02,51613,50
20Pigott Thomas1241CAN 29w1 12w0 7b0 36b1 27w½2,51311,50
21Onwuka Emeka1473CAN 44w1 28b1 13w0 8b02,512,511,50
Banic John1433CAN 43b1 8w0 38b1 9w02,512,511,50
23Xing Blair1164CAN 3b0 40w1 6b0 39w12,512,5110
Qian Ashley988CAN 8b0 9w0 40b1 35w12,512,5110
25Cheng Kyler Chi-Rey980CAN 27w½ 29b0 44w1 9b0 36w12,511100
26Noritsyn Ivan1239CAN 36w0 34b1 19w0 42b12,510,59,50
27Gillis Doug1376CAN 25b½ 38w0 45b1 29w½ 20b½2,5109,50
28Speevak Ted1335CAN 18b1 21w0 42b1 7w0 12b0213120
29Osler Brian1617CAN 20b0 25w1 27b½ -021310,50
30Gao Heye1342CAN 45w1 4b0 15w0 33b1 18w0212,5120
31Prost Bernie1476CAN 33b1 11w0 10b0 42w1 16b0212,511,50
32Rolinsky Daniel1003CAN 12b0 37w½ 33b0 45w1 34b½2109,50
33Tan Alexander1079CAN 31w0 15b0 32w1 30w0 43b121090
Zhou Zhenyang896CAN -0 44b½ 26w0 41b1 32w½21090
35Mckay Josh1375CAN 17w1 1b0 16w0 24b01,516140
36Moscatel Januario1259CAN 26b1 3w0 20w0 25b01,51411,50
37Piorischin Alex1289CAN 1w0 32b½ 43w1 15b0 -01,513,512,50
38Guan Isabelle906CAN 27b1 14w0 22w0 -01,51310,50
39Pietluch Robert960CAN 2w0 16b0 46w1 23b01,511,511,50
40Ber Sava970CAN 5w0 23b0 24w0 46b11,511110
41Li Triston998CAN 13w0 17b0 34w0 45b11,51110,50
42Wu Vivian1153CAN 4w0 47b1 28w0 31b0 26w0112,510,50
43Guan Marie1008CAN 22w0 37b0 33w0110,590
44Battouk Karni1081CAN 21b0 34w½ 25b0 18w0 -00,51210,50
45Pishdad M. Hassan947CAN 30b0 27w0 32b0 41w00,5108,50
46Owen Bruce765CAN 10b0 18w0 39b0 17b0 40w001311,50
47Wang Michael831CAN -0 42w0 -0 -0 -008,57,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)