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Torneo de las Estrellas

Last update 08.04.2011 19:52:58, Creator/Last Upload: AA Jos‚ Joaqu¡n Bas S nchez (FACV)

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Starting rank

1GMNisipeanu Liviu-Dieter1202758ROU26730
2GMFedorchuk Sergey A.14102536UKR26622667Ext
3GMMovsziszian Karen13301152ARM25012510Ctm
4GMJanev Evgeni2900360BUL24980
5IMGranero Roca Antonio2210509ESP24312413Val
6IMGarcia Roman Daniel2215870ESP24142386Val
7FMSanchez Jerez Emilio Miguel2256088ESP22982280Mur
8FMPeña Riasco Alexander4403339COL22382210Val
9Galvan Jesus3800458PER22380
10Castellote Lillo Javier2292815ESP21632106Val
11Bas Mas Jose Joaquin22219064ESP21502131Val
12FMCruz Condori Alfredo3300510BOL21372171Ara
13Arance Gonzalez Luis2262487ESP21002032Val
14Del Valle Domenech Rafael2210738ESP20802055Val
15Martinez Gil Vicente2224380ESP20121932Val
16Garcia Roman Jose Luis2285312ESP20111998Ctm
17Martinez Gil Joaquin2215004ESP20021928Val
18Corbi Marti Joaquin2252350ESP19561978Val
19Bas Mas Miguel2237954ESP18201723Val
20Del Valle Domenech Trinidad22239260ESP15741557Val