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CNITC 2019 tournoi de selection

Last update 27.07.2019 19:40:31, Creator/Last Upload: Algerian+C1552

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Starting rank

1IMBenhadi Aziz Madani7900058ALG2125ASEC
2Seraoui Mohcen7901003ALG2087CEC
3CMAraoun Saadi7904169ALG2042CSB
4Gueroui Nacereddine7900511ALG1954CEC
5Cheber Houssem7916809ALG1940SBEY
6Boulrens Ala Eddine7907559ALG1929CEC
7Benelouezzane Mourad7908245ALG1906CEA
8Adjerit Nourreddine7922922ALG1891CFA
9Bellebcir Tarek7912927ALG1891USB
10Bettine Hakim7912935ALG1885CSTB
11Attoui Abderrezak7905386ALG1880SBEY
12Benlaid Lakhdar7903413ALG1828CEA
13Ameur Zaimeche Mourad7903391ALG1799USJE
14Boukazata Djamel7916620ALG1799CSE
15Benabdallah Naim7901879ALG1765CEA
16Amrani Haithem7920687ALG0ASEC
17Benatellah HatemALG0HM
18Sarraya Amran7923597ALG0HM