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III Master Pessoense de Xadrez STD U 2100

Last update 27.07.2019 17:29:56, Creator/Last Upload: FERNANDO SA DE MELO

Starting rank list of players

11Dantas Francisco2133792BRA19221990
3De Oliveira Jeffeson Pereira2174324BRA19161965
9AIMDa Silva Antonio Dutra2131439BRA17671866
6Gonzales Alejandro Terehoff22731709BRA17431775
10Galindo Luciano Dutra2190478BRA17271790
12Morais Francisco John Silva22742492BRA17231850
1De Oliveira Genivaldo Manoel22731687BRA16911775
7Baltar Petrov Ferreira2131366BRA16471789
2Espinola Jose Mario22722190BRA16001730
8Gomes Genildo De Souza2151049BRA15671793
5Teixeira Alexandre Cesar Fernan2137542BRA15251653
4De Moura Filho Eny Nobrega2137500BRA13831508