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Latvijas 2019.gada Skolu šaha olimpiādes fināls 10.-12.klases zēni

Last update 15.05.2019 17:00:32, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKBatashevs Arsens2136LAT 25b1 20w1 5b1 8w1 4b1 3w0 7b162331,52119
2NMBekasovs Rihards2116LAT 23b1 14w1 8b0 9w1 16b1 5w1 3b1621,530,52076
3MKSolomka Nikita2006LAT 15b1 30w1 9b½ 6w1 7b1 1b1 2w05,523,532,52004
4MKKolasa Pjotrs2120LAT 26w1 10b1 18w1 7b½ 1w0 11b1 6w15,52130,51996
5MKAntonivs Vladislavs1950LAT 24w1 21b1 1w0 15b1 10w1 2b0 14w1521,5311875
6MKBrikers Aleksandrs2026LAT 13w1 11b½ 12w1 3b0 18w1 8w1 4b04,523,532,51951
7MKJanovskis Daniels1544LAT 39b1 16w1 17b1 4w½ 3w0 12b1 1w04,522291874
8MKGrivnieks Alberts1803LAT 34w1 27b1 2w1 1b0 14w1 6b0 10w½4,52129,51821
9IOvcinkins Arsenijs1578LAT 35w1 19b1 3w½ 2b0 11w0 17b1 18w14,52028,51786
10MKAizstrauts Arturs1729LAT 42b+ 4w0 28b1 32w1 5b0 16w1 8b½4,519271825
11IPakalns Raivis Kristians1677LAT 33b1 6w½ 16b0 17w1 9b1 4w0 21b14,519271777
12MKPetrovs Jaroslavs1912LAT 17b½ 13w1 6b0 27w1 30b1 7w0 15b14,519261621
13ISipicins Alekss1665LAT 6b0 12b0 36w1 28w1 23b½ 31w1 19b14,517,5241691
14IPiksis Davids1698LAT 37w1 2b0 22w1 19b1 8b0 20w1 5b042027,51766
15IKalnins Aleksandrs Alans1386LAT 3w0 36b1 20b1 5w0 32b1 30w1 12w0418,5261760
16IMikelsons Mikelis-Emils1854LAT 22w1 7b0 11w1 21b1 2w0 10b0 20w½3,52029,51677
17ISevastjanovs Roberts1376LAT 12w½ 26b1 7w0 11b0 37b1 9w0 30b+3,519,525,51509
18MKSemjonovs Vsevolods1763LAT 31b1 32w1 4b0 30w½ 6b0 23w1 9b03,518,526,51672
19MKAlainis Artis1851LAT 28b1 9w0 23b1 14w0 25b1 21w½ 13w03,518,5261549
20IGulnevs Daniils1744LAT 38w1 1b0 15w0 22b1 33w1 14b0 16b½3,517,5251553
21ILahs Armands1579LAT 40b1 5w0 31b1 16w0 27b1 19b½ 11w03,51722,51534
22IFreibergs Rolands1347LAT 16b0 40w1 14b0 20w0 29b1 32w1 24w½3,51620,51470
23IGerasimovs Aleksejs1477LAT 2w0 37b1 19w0 38b1 13w½ 18b0 35w13,515,5231551
24IIBatirevs Maksims1377LAT 5b0 33w0 35b1 37w½ 31b½ 27w1 22b½3,51420,51289
25IIKinkeris Rolands1504LAT 1w0 38b1 27w0 34b1 19w0 33b½ 31w+3,513,5211404
26IFomins Artemijs1484LAT 4b0 17w0 40b1 31w0 35b½ 34b1 33w13,513,519,51346
27Revalds Roberts0LAT -1 8w0 25b1 12b0 21w0 24b0 37w1317,523,51438
28IMatrosovs Aleksandrs1343LAT 19w0 35b1 10w0 13b0 34w0 39b1 36w1314,5201344
29IIPaunins Rihards0LAT 32b0 31w0 37w0 36b1 22w0 38b1 39w1310,5151216
30IVaivads Valts1633LAT 36w1 3b0 34w1 18b½ 12w0 15b0 17w-2,51825,51540
31IZile Girts1327LAT 18w0 29b1 21w0 26b1 24w½ 13b0 25b-2,517,5251421
32IKanejevs Kristaps1540LAT 29w1 18b0 33w1 10b0 15w0 22b0 34w½2,516,5231290
33IIJansons Kristers Roberts1194LAT 11w0 24b1 32b0 40w1 20b0 25w½ 26b02,516211384
34IBeitinsh Gabriels1327LAT 8b0 39w1 30b0 25w0 28b1 26w0 32b½2,51520,51370
35ILapins Marcis0LAT 9b0 28w0 24w0 39b1 26w½ 37b1 23b02,51520,51250
36IIIStrods Rudolfs Aleksandrs1188LAT 30b0 15w0 13b0 29w0 38w1 40b1 28b0214,519,51179
37IILukasevics Davids1203LAT 14b0 23w0 29b1 24b½ 17w0 35w0 27b01,515,5221045
38IIGudkovs Artjoms1257LAT 20b0 25w0 39b1 23w0 36b0 29w0 40w½1,512,516,51054
39IIIJancevskis Juris0LAT 7w0 34b0 38w0 35w0 40b1 28w0 29b0112,517,5912
40IIMelnis Arturs1076LAT 21w0 22b0 26w0 33b0 39w0 36w0 38b½0,51317,5871
41ITarvids Roberts1433LAT -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,517,50
IMilovs Daniels1236LAT 10w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,517,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)