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Obert Delegació Lleida 2019 (211803)

Darrera actualització15.06.2019 20:55:47, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Xavier Valios Blanco

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4 
1FMBarbero Sendic Alejandro2377 -0 50b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00692627210
2MKCampos Olaya Israel2363 36w1 19b1 12w1 15b1 6w1 35b1 4b0 7w½ 13b17,5247,55239,541
3Masague Artero Guerau2352 -0 51w1 39b1 25b½ 31w1 19b1 6w0 27b1 17w16,5442,546,534,530
4MKMonell Camarasa David2350 37b1 20w1 11b0 24w+ 5w1 15b1 2w1 6b0 7w17349,55441,536
5Ribera Pane Jaume2244 38w1 21b½ 17w1 14b1 4b0 11w½ -0 25b1 19w½5,594448,537,530,5
6Badia Mas Jordi2216 40b1 24w1 27b1 11w1 2b0 18w1 3b1 4w1 15b18148,5524140
7Cardona Alcaide Roberto2181 41w1 25b1 15w0 27b1 18w0 26b1 35w1 2b½ 4b05,5104448,536,531
8Brunet Martinez Josep2169 42b1 27w0 -0 47w1 38b1 13w1 24b1 15b0 -051843473727
9MKCodina Garcia Josep2163 43w1 29b½ 21w1 18b½ 19w½ 36b½ 27w½ 17b½ 16w½5,51142,5463630,5
10Mas Mestres Jordi2111 44b1 28w½ 26b½ 30w0 39w0 -0 -0 -0 -0257343728,516,5
11Sanuy Moncasi Albert2101 48w1 31b1 4w1 6b0 26w1 5b½ 15w0 19b½ 23w16646,550,538,533
12Rodon Balcells Jaume2046 49b1 30w1 2b0 26w0 40b1 24w0 38b0 51w1 29b15204245,534,525
13Estruch Andreu Guim2041 -0 52b1 38w1 31b½ 25w1 8b0 21w1 36b1 2w05,512424634,528
14Mir Carnice Jordi2040 50w1 33b½ 28w1 5w0 35b0 25b½ 39w- -0 -034837,539,531,522
15Lara Dieguez Federico2036 51b1 32w1 7b1 2w0 30b1 4w0 11b1 8w1 6w0654851,54034
16Herreros Angrill Jaime2017 52w1 35b1 -0 36b½ -0 32w1 23b½ 18w1 9b½5,5134144,53528
17Subarroca Blanch Francesc2000 53b1 34w1 5b0 35w0 41b1 30w½ 29b1 9w½ 3b05194245,53528
18Villa Gimenez Carmelo1994 54w½ 60b1 33w1 9w½ 7b1 6b0 36w½ 16b0 27w½5214244,53429,5
19Biosca Lacasa Jordi1993 55b1 2w0 40b1 45w1 9b½ 3w0 30b1 11w½ 5b½5,584548,537,529
20Badia Torra Jaume1943 56w1 4b0 41w0 33b1 44w1 27b0 31w1 35b1 36w16737,540,53126
21Melich Martinez Josep1940 57b1 5w½ 9b0 55w1 29b0 34w1 13b0 41w1 45b15,5144042,53426
22Jucla Esteve Francisco Javier1937 -0 53w1 -0 50b½ 43w1 31b0 44w1 34b1 39w½52733,535,52821,5
23Estruch Andreu Lluc1933 -0 55w½ 63b1 28b1 36w0 37b1 16w½ 38w1 11b052439,542,53324,5
24Raga Lleida Roman1933 58w1 6b0 43w1 4b- 42b1 12b1 8w0 39b½ 49w½51743,54635,526,5
25Bedoya Ribo Jordi1931 59b1 7w0 46b1 3w½ 13b0 14w½ 40b1 5w0 41b-4334245,53524
26Cardona Marin Wilson1926 60w½ 54b1 10w½ 12b1 11b0 7w0 41b0 -0 43w14343638,53023
27Palau Barrufet Vinyet1919 62b1 8b1 6w0 7w0 45b1 20w1 9b½ 3w0 18b½5154849,54028
28Cano Rodriguez Daniel1913 63w1 10b½ 14b0 23w0 55b1 -0 43w0 52b+ 44w14,532323526,521
29Vendrell Lara Gerard1911 64b1 9w½ -0 41b1 21w1 -0 17w0 43b1 12w04,52940,54334,526
30Ponsarnau Marquilles Jaume1906 65w1 12b0 44w1 10b1 15w0 17b½ 19w0 49b0 34w14,53039423325
31Miralles Rullo Jose1896 66b1 11w0 47b1 13w½ 3b0 22w1 20b0 45w0 -03,53944,547,537,523
32Montagut Gonzalez Joan1882 67w1 15b0 45w0 57b1 46w½ 16b0 49w0 -0 -02,55437,5403117,5
33Sole Castane Jaume1877 68b1 14w½ 18b0 20w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,56534,53728,513
34Bell-Lloch Albareda Miquel A1873 69w1 17b0 -0 49w½ 59b1 21b0 46w1 22w0 30b03,54039,542,533,520
35Cots Valls Jordi1865 70b1 16w0 49b1 17b1 14w1 2w0 7b0 20w0 42b1516454737,528
36Lopez Minguella Armand1863 2b0 57w1 50b1 16w½ 23b1 9w½ 18b½ 13w0 20b04,52844,546,53726,5
37Escoda Rodriguez David1862 4w0 56b1 48w½ -0 60b1 23w0 45b0 53w1 -03,54238,5413218,5
38De La Fuente Exposito Juan Manuel1852 5b0 59w1 13b0 51w1 8w0 46b1 12w1 23b0 56w15224144,53522
39Pedra Marquina Joan1843 -0 58b1 3w0 53w1 10b1 -0 14b+ 24w½ 22b½52340,54333,523,5
40Coria Gonzalez Pedro1842 6w0 61b1 19w0 58b1 12w0 63b1 25w0 56b0 -03473941,53118
41Luengo Guillermo Daniel1841 7b0 62w1 20b1 29w0 17w0 69b1 26w1 21b0 25w+5253940,53323
42Lopez Morato Jeronimo1814 8w0 63b0 60w1 61b1 24w0 -0 64b1 69b1 35w043534,53728,518
43Orellana Rios Jose Manuel1807 9b0 64w1 24b0 59w½ 22b0 51w1 28b1 29w0 26b03,5413941,53318
44Becerra Gomez Juan Jose1803 10w0 65b+ 30b0 63w1 20b0 45w½ 22b0 54w1 28b03,54336,539,530,518
45Sole Chimeno Joan1793 -0 66w1 32b1 19b0 27w0 44b½ 37w1 31b1 21w04,531363930,522
46Benseny Martinez Guerau1742 -0 67b1 25w0 64w1 32b½ 38w0 34b0 -0 57b13,5463133,52617,5
47Pedra Marquina Alex1736 -0 68w+ 31w0 8b0 -0 -0 59b1 60w1 61b035034,53728,513
48Pala Nosas Guillem1733 11b0 70w1 37b½ -0 -0 55w½ -0 -0 -025834362813,5
49Rubies Roure Antonio1728 12w0 69b1 35w0 34b½ -0 59w1 32b1 30w1 24b½52635,538,53020,5
50Escale Balcells Jose1724 14b0 1w+ 36w0 22w½ -0 57b0 53b0 59w0 -01,56732,53526,511
51Coria Gonzalez I Pedro1710 15w0 3b0 62w1 38b0 58w1 43b0 57w1 12b0 69w143634,53627,516
52Vendrell Lara Marc1693 16b0 13w0 -0 67b1 61w½ -0 60b1 28w- 59w02,55535,5382911,5
53Hurguis Vasile-Adrian1667 17w0 22b0 67w1 39b0 63w0 61b½ 50w1 37b0 64w13,54434362813
54Prim Moran Clara1654 18b½ 26w0 55b0 60w0 66b1 64w½ 61w0 44b0 58w13522931,52412,5
55Niubo Parramon Edgar1642 19w0 23b½ 54w1 21b0 28w0 48b½ -0 67w+ -034936,5393115
56Ionescu Ioan Adrian1626 20b0 37w0 64b0 66w1 69b0 65w1 63b1 40w1 38b04373234,52615
57Berge Gallego Pau1612 21w0 36b0 68w+ 32w0 64b½ 50w1 51b0 -0 46w02,55631,533,52613,5
58Barri Castell Joan1591 24b0 39w0 66b1 40w0 51b0 67w1 69w0 -0 54b02613133,525,511
59Torres Diez Pau1566 25w0 38b0 69w1 43b½ 34w0 49b0 47w0 50b1 52b13,54533,535,52813
60Visa Bernat Guillem1552 26b½ 18w0 42b0 54b1 37w0 -0 52w0 47b0 -01,56633,53628,510,5
61Pinol Bosch Biel1549 -0 40w0 70b1 42w0 52b½ 53w½ 54b1 -0 47w143832342715,5
62Carnice Gatius Elisa Justa1542 27w0 41b0 51b0 69w0 70b0 -1 66w0 -0 -01682627,5214
63Conde Chijeb Alexis1513 28b0 42w1 23w0 44b0 53b1 40w0 56w0 -0 -0259323526,513
64Massot Fernandez Ian1512 29w0 43b0 56w1 46b0 57w½ 54b½ 42w0 -0 53b02603234,526,511,5
65Puig-Gros Munte Andreu1512 30b0 44w- -0 70w1 -0 56b0 -1 -0 -026229,531,5259
66Massot Ballespi Jorge1511 31w0 45b0 58w0 56b0 54w0 70w1 62b1 -0 67b+3532627,5218
67Clua Aparicio Hugo1491 32b0 46w0 53b0 52w0 -1 58b0 70w1 55b- 66w-26426,528,5228
68Garriga Bericua Antonio1480 33w0 47b- 57b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0070252620,50
69Torres Diez Marc1441 34b0 49w0 59b0 62b1 56w1 41w0 58b1 42w0 51b035132,5342714
70Fernandez Gomez Izan1370 35w0 48b0 61w0 65b0 62w1 66b0 67b0 -0 -12632829236

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Desempat4: Fide Tie-Break