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IRT Ajedrez BLITZ Sport Fest Santiago de Cali SUB-14 MENORES

Última actualización29.10.2018 00:52:04, Propietario/Última carga: FECODAZ

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 6 rondas

Rk.NombreEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1Mora Munoz Alejandro1461VAL 47w1 49b1 27w1 14b1 3b1 2w½5,50,522,51723
2Leon Sarria Cristian1355CAU 84w+ 31w+ -1 66b1 15w1 1b½5,50,516,51451
3Rodriguez Pantoja Obel1630VAL 46w1 41b1 13w1 18b1 1w0 11b150241630
4Moreno Juma Jairo0COL 28b1 17w1 19w0 44b1 18w1 26b150221729
5Cardona Jaiber Camilo1499VAL 40b1 37w1 29b½ 35w1 12b1 8w½5021,51649
6Restrepo Martinez Emmanuel1546VAL 32b1 54w1 9b1 12w0 36b1 20w150211623
7Suarez Ibanez Julian Alejandro1555NAR 70w1 30b1 21w1 11b0 13w1 16b150211592
8Moreno Gomez Manuel1539NAR 68w1 50b1 31w1 19b1 11w½ 5b½5019,51513
9Quiceno R. Edwin Alejandro1583VAL 53b1 72w+ 6w0 37b1 17w1 19b150181563
10Aguilera Espana Samuel1368VAL 72b+ 53w1 52b1 16w0 31b1 12w150151355
11Luligo Bejarano Luis Angel1380VAL 73w+ 42b1 49w1 7w1 8b½ 3w04,50201554
12Aguirre Laverde Juan Jose1314VAL 45w1 56b1 22w1 6b1 5w0 10b040241361
13Acosta Mariana1165VAL 26b1 52w1 3b0 29w1 7b0 36w140221552
14Sanchez Riobo Emily Dainne1564RIS 39b1 63w1 16b1 1w0 20b0 28w140221472
15Posada Realpe Isabel Sofia1073VAL 31b0 40w1 39b1 38w1 2b0 41w14020,51379
16Aguirre Noguera Aura Gisella1263VAL 75b+ 62b1 14w0 10b1 21w1 7w040201473
17Rosales Nazate Claudia Sofia1417NAR 64w1 4b0 33b1 54w1 9b0 44w140191415
18Donneys Franz1480VAL 74b+ 38w1 34b1 3w0 4b0 43w140191359
19Ruales Nicolas1336VAL 86b+ 69w1 4b1 8w0 32b1 9w040191350
20Gonzalez Rayo Eilen Daniela1198VAL 50w0 68b1 60w1 41b1 14w1 6b040171457
21Munoz Perez Julian Alejandro1518CAU 76w+ 58w1 7b0 34w1 16b0 32w140171289
22Vanegas Medina Juan Jose0VAL 60b1 43w1 12b0 33w0 54b1 47w14016,51421
23Lopez Ricardo Andres1445VAL 48b½ 26w½ 61b1 51w0 34b1 35w140161269
24Santa Restrepo Steven1518VAL 69b0 59w1 32b0 53w1 39b1 33b140141268
25Rendon Isabela1066VAL 49w0 47b0 64w1 50b1 42w1 37b14013,51228
26Acevedo Mendoza Juan David1496VAL 13w0 23b½ 48w1 47b1 30w1 4w03,5021,51211
27Cruz Juan Stevan1380VAL 59b1 33w½ 1b0 43w½ 38b1 29w½3,50201402
28Londono Daniel1507VAL 4w0 64b1 42w1 30b½ 55w1 14b03,5018,51325
29Mera Mejia Santiago1500VAL 61b1 65w+ 5w½ 13b0 33w½ 27b½3,5018,51269
30Sanchez Riscanevo Santiago1311VAL 77b1 7w0 57b1 28w½ 26b0 63w13,50161377
31Henao Juan Jose0COL 15w1 2b- 8b0 63w1 10w0 55b13023,51427
32Pusil Juan1269CAU 6w0 51b1 24w1 52b1 19w0 21b030211320
33Otero Juan David1300CAU 57b+ 27b½ 17w0 22b1 29b½ 24w030211291
34Avendano Larrahondo Esteban0COL 55w1 35b1 18w0 21b0 23w0 54w130191432
35Mesa Parra Esteban1366VAL 67b+ 34w0 46b1 5b0 60w1 23b030181236
36Murillo Becerra Gabriela1381VAL 52w- 45b1 50w1 56b1 6w0 13b030181214
37Sanchez Josue Efrain1317VAL 66w1 5b0 67w+ 9w0 51b1 25w030181158
38Kato Sebastian1300VAL 51w1 18b0 55w1 15b0 27w0 59b13017,51228
39Vega Cotacio John Alejandro1291VAL 14w0 66b1 15w0 62b1 24w0 52b130171193
40Munoz Ortega Juan David1217VAL 5w0 15b0 66w1 58b1 44w0 51b130171179
41Bastidas Carina1359CAU 82b1 3w0 58b1 20w0 49b1 15b030171150
42Yatacue Clara Marcela1300CAU 83b+ 11w0 28b0 61w1 25b0 49w130161119
43Segura Jefer Octavio1507VAL 81b+ 22b0 47w½ 27b½ 59w1 18b030161100
44Abonce Calle Marcela1501VAL 56w0 80b+ 69b1 4w0 40b1 17b030151055
45Gomez Maria Camila0VAL 12b0 36w0 70w1 55b0 58w1 60b130141284
46Marin Valeria1296VAL 3b0 77w+ 35w0 49b0 62w1 56b130141127
47Astudillo Sandoval Eider Alexander0VAL 1b0 25w1 43b½ 26w0 56w1 22b02,50221198
48Ramirez Villegas Nicolas David0VAL 23w½ 55b0 26b0 57w0 71w+ 68b12,5013,51171
49Maza Aaron Sebastian0ECU 25b1 1w0 11b0 46w1 41w0 42b020231185
50Guerra Abril Jesus Gabriel0VAL 20b1 8w0 36b0 25w0 61b1 62b020201072
51Valencia Londono Juan Jose0VAL 38b0 32w0 -1 23b1 37w0 40w020191070
52Rengifo Valencia Ely Sofia0VAL 36b+ 13b0 10w0 32w0 68b1 39w020191024
53Mesa Hermosa Jacobo0VAL 9w0 10b0 68w1 24b0 66w1 58w020181157
54Bonilla Barreiro Maria Jose1353VAL 85w1 6b0 62w1 17b0 22w0 34b020181036
55Gil Juan Manuel1432VAL 34b0 48w1 38b0 45w1 28b0 31w020181010
56Quintero L Juan Esteban0VAL 44b1 12w0 63b1 36w0 47b0 46w02017,51184
57Vallejo Ibanez German0VAL 33w- 70b1 30w0 48b1 -0 -020161320
58Sanchez Manzi Juliana0VAL 71w1 21b0 41w0 40w0 45b0 53b120161111
59Calvache Castro Daniel Angelo0VAL 27w0 24b0 71w1 67b+ 43b0 38w02015,51165
60Ruales Daniel1300VAL 22w0 87b+ 20b0 69w1 35b0 45w02015873
61Ramirez Arango Maria Camila0VAL 29w0 71b1 23w0 42b0 50w0 70w12014,51182
62Ramirez Camilo0VAL 89b+ 16w0 54b0 39w0 46b0 50w120141001
63Grisales Hoyos Isabella1363VAL 87w+ 14b0 56w0 31b0 69w1 30b02013,5935
64Blaschke Enmanuel0CAU 17b0 28w0 25b0 70b1 -0 -01018,51123
65Ruales Juan david0COL -1 29b- -0 -0 -0 -01018,50
66Serrano Lizeth Dayana0COL 37b0 39w0 40b0 2w0 53b0 69b11017,5924
67Espinosa Jhon Jaider0COL 35w- -1 37b- 59w- -0 -010170
68Villamil Daniel1225VAL 8b0 20w0 53b0 71b1 52w0 48w01016,5904
69Mora Laura Valentina0VAL 24w1 19b0 44w0 60b0 63b0 66w010161063
70Aguilera Espana Juan Diego1275VAL 7b0 57w0 45b0 64w0 -1 61b01016311
71Sanchez Manzi Martin1322VAL 58b0 61w0 59b0 68w0 48b- -11012,5256
72Rivera juan Jose0VAL 10w- 9b- -0 -0 -0 -000220
73Castro Burbano Anamiyle0CAU 11b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -00019,50
74Angulo Yanidas0VAL 18w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000190
Gonzalez Emanuel0VAL 16w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000190
Mona Juan Diego0VAL 21b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000190
77Taborda Valeria0VAL 30w0 46b- -0 -0 -0 -00018,50
78Alvarez Manrique Victor David1344VAL -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000180
Alban Miguel Angel0VAL -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000180
Cortez Arambura Juan Diego0VAL -0 44w- -0 -0 -0 -000180
Obando Insuaty Nasly Julieth0VAL 43w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000180
Ruales Juan Jose0COL 41w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000180
Vasquez Yulian Andres0COL 42w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -000180
84Gaviria Mendoza Helen Dayana0VAL 2b- 89w- -0 -0 -0 -00017,50
85Ruales Miguel angel0COL 54b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -000170
86Gaviria Miguel Angel0VAL 19w- 88w- -0 -0 -0 -000160
Rojas Munoz Marlon0COL 63b- 60w- -0 -0 -0 -000160
88Serrano Joan Sebastian1436VAL -0 86b- -0 -0 -0 -000150
89Cruz Diego William1469VAL 62w- 84b- -0 -0 -0 -000140

Desempate 1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 3: Performance (variable With parameter)