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6th Anogia Chess Club Championship 2018

Last update 18.11.2018 19:42:12, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Heretis Georgios1393GRE 36w1 14b1 8w1 7b1 3w1 2b½ 6w½ 9b1 5w18043,5041
2Ntagiantas Emmanouil1635GRE 38b1 9w1 5b1 4w1 8b½ 1w½ 3b1 6b0 11w17140,2541,5
3Ntagiantas Georgios1330GRE 20b1 15w1 18b1 5w1 1b0 4w1 2w0 8b1 6w17037,0040
4Ntagiantas Dimitrios1217GRE 39w1 6b1 11w1 2b0 14w1 3b0 7w1 5b0 9w16029,5041
5Ntagianta Maria 475601116GRE 21w1 16b1 2w0 3b0 23w1 22b1 14w1 4w1 1b06027,5038
6Sfyri Olympia982GRE 35b1 4w0 34b1 27w1 11w½ 15b1 1b½ 2w1 3b06027,2536,5
7Saloustrou Despina1058GRE 31b1 27w1 17b1 1w0 16b1 9w0 4b0 15w1 14b16026,5035
8Kallergis Georgios1151GRE 28b1 12w1 1b0 22w1 2w½ 11b1 9b0 3w0 19b15,5027,0039,5
9Manoura Maria1032GRE 24w1 2b0 33w1 13b½ 10w1 7b1 8w1 1w0 4b05,5026,0038,5
10Saloustros Alexandros0GRE -0 38w+ 15b½ 17w1 9b0 12w½ 16b1 19w½ 18b15,5024,7534
11Mirzak Valeria1109GRE 23b1 22w1 4b0 12w1 6b½ 8w0 29b1 13w1 2b05,5024,5035,5
12Konios Georgios886GRE 26w1 8b0 24w1 11b0 19w½ 10b½ 15w½ 27b1 20w15,5022,2532,5
13Tzagarakis Kritolaos0GRE 16w0 -1 20b1 9w½ 15b0 28b1 27w1 11b0 25w15,5021,2530,5
14Kakaziani Nerantzo1014GRE 40b1 1w0 19b1 18w1 4b0 16w1 5b0 17w1 7w05022,5036,5
15Saloustros Konstantinos1012GRE 25w1 3b0 10w½ 33b1 13w1 6w0 12b½ 7b0 26w15021,0035,5
16Fasoulas Georgios0GRE 13b1 5w0 31b1 37w+ 7w0 14b0 10w0 28b1 22w15021,0034
17Fasoulas Ioannis0GRE 33w½ 30b1 7w0 10b0 21w½ 23b1 22w1 14b0 27w15017,7529
18Spithouris Ioannis0GRE 29b1 37w+ 3w0 14b0 28w½ 19b½ 20w½ 21b1 10w04,5019,0032,5
19Saloustros Emmanouil0GRE -0 26b1 14w0 35w1 12b½ 18w½ 24b1 10b½ 8w04,5017,0032
20Kefalogiannis Nektarios0GRE 3w0 32b1 13w0 31b1 22w0 25b1 18b½ 29w1 12b04,5016,5030
21Ntagiantas Alexandros0GRE 5b0 35w1 27b0 25w0 17b½ 31w1 30b1 18w0 29b14,5016,0027
22Spithouris Emmanouil0GRE 30w1 11b0 38w1 8b0 20b1 5w0 17b0 24w1 16b04015,0032
23Polizou Danai0GRE 11w0 25b1 37w0 24b1 5b0 17w0 26w0 38b1 33b+4014,0030,5
24Sfyri Alexandra0GRE 9b0 28w1 12b0 23w0 39b+ 26b1 19w0 22b0 30w14013,5028,5
25Skoula Marina-Eleftheria0GRE 15b0 23w0 36w1 21b1 29b0 20w0 32b1 33w1 13b04012,5027
26Spithouri Foteini0GRE 12b0 19w0 -1 28w0 32b1 24w0 23b1 34w1 15b04012,5026,5
27Xilouri Stefania0GRE -1 7b0 21w1 6b0 33w1 29w½ 13b0 12w0 17b03,5013,2533,5
28Ntagianta Maria0GRE 8w0 24b0 30w1 26b1 18b½ 13w0 33b½ 16w0 32b½3,5012,0027
29Faratzi Ioanna0GRE 18w0 33b0 32w1 34b1 25w1 27b½ 11w0 20b0 21w03,5011,5026
30Dramountani Argiri0GRE 22b0 17w0 28b0 36w1 31w½ 34b1 21w0 35b1 24b03,509,5025
31Sfakianakis Grigorios0GRE 7w0 39b1 16w0 20w0 30b½ 21b0 34w- 36w1 35w13,507,7525
32Sfakianaki Maria0GRE 37b0 20w0 29b0 -1 26w0 36b1 25w0 39b1 28w½3,507,7523,5
33Xilouri Maria0GRE 17b½ 29w1 9b0 15w0 27b0 35w+ 28w½ 25b0 23w-3010,7528
34Saloustrou Andriani0GRE -0 36b1 6w0 29w0 35b½ 30w0 31b+ 26b0 39w½306,5022,5
35Soultatou Emmanouela0GRE 6w0 21b0 39w1 19b0 34w½ 33b- 38b+ 30w0 31b02,505,5026,5
36Kefalogianni Fereniki0GRE 1b0 34w0 25b0 30b0 38w+ 32w0 39w1 31b0 38w½2,505,2523
37Memou Evangelia1084GRE 32w1 18b- 23b1 16b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0206,5029
38Flouris Mikhail Orestis0GRE 2w0 10b- 22b0 39b- 36b- 39b1 35w- 23w0 36b½1,512,5023,5
39Ntagianta Evaggelia-Evridiki0GRE 4b0 31w0 35b0 38w+ 24w- 38w0 36b0 32w0 34b½1,504,0022,5
40Skoula Ioanna0GRE 14w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0000,0021

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)