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CZECH OPEN 2010 "PARDUBICE OPEN" - turnaj A open grand master tournament with rating for FIDE, part of ACP world series

Die Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 01.08.2010 12:07:38, Ersteller/Letzter Upload: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

Tiebreak Settings

Number of games which do not count
Best rating0
Weakest rating0
used ratingapply int. rating, if player has no nat. rating
apply rating-minimum, if player has no int. rating
Ignore game if player has no rating

Rating-minimum (for player without rating):1000

forfeitslike a normal game
ignore game
ignore game but add it in the number of not count (weakest) games
byelike a player without rating
ignore game
ignore game but add it in the number of not count (weakest) games