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Campeonato Nacional Sub 16 Femenino 2018

Last update 20.05.2018 20:17:19, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

1WFMDiaz Luisa Fernanda4421434TOL1680
6WCMPinillo Canon Silvana4450850HUI1661
7Ruiz Jaraba Valentina Sofia4451279ATL1635
10Norena Derly Jiseth4430859VAL1628
2Manzano Gomez Valentina4455797VAL1600
5Hoyos Garces Rosana4443233BOL1579
3Macias Chavarro Manuela4458451BOG1520
9Jaraba Andrade Aura4449282GUA1502
8Leal Dayana Vanessa4471750CAU1412
4Bernal Parra Eliana Valentina4441141BOY1290