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Festival Interescolar de Xadrez - FIX 2018 - Sub 07 Masculino - Etapa Bispo

Last update 19.05.2018 22:13:36, Creator/Last Upload: Mearas Escola de Xadrez

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Ranking crosstable after Round 5

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Porto Augusto AmorimCAT 32w1 34b1 14b1 11w1 3w15011,51313,00
2Roriz Filho Joaquim SantosLDV 24w1 13b1 4w1 3b0 8w14014,516,512,50
3Cabral Joao Henrique DizeuSGM 29b1 16w1 22b1 2w1 1b040141611,00
4Da Silva Francisco Bertoletti TravassosIDI 36b1 21w1 2b0 15w1 11b1401212,58,50
5Henriques Eduardo VieiraLAC 43w1 7b1 8w0 25b1 12w14012128,50
6Da Costa Zahel Lima BandeiraSGM 37b1 15w1 11b0 21w1 13b14011129,00
7Bruno Davi LimaDP2 40w+ 5w0 35b1 17w1 22b14010,511,57,50
8Pereira Benjamin MoriMEA 23b1 26w1 5b1 9w½ 2b03,5013,515,59,75
9Jordao Gabriel VieiraLDV 12w½ 31b1 20w1 8b½ 10w½3,5011,513,59,00
10Soares Artur Ahmad CerqueiraSGM 21b0 -1 34w+ 14w1 9b½3,5010,5127,75
11Vieira Arthur De Macedo TitoMRT 25w1 18b1 6w1 1b0 4w03016189,00
12Monteiro LucasCSR 9b½ 20w½ 16b1 22w1 5b03013158,00
13Dilascio Thiago AlvarengaLDV 42b1 2w0 30w1 18b1 6w0301314,56,50
14Balbinot Raphael De MacedoMRT 39b+ 17b1 1w0 10b0 30w13012146,50
15Dino Gabriel Vecchi JorgeSGM -1 6b0 28w1 4b0 27w1301213,55,50
16Machado Eduardo AguiarMRT 27w1 3b0 12w0 20b1 28w13011,5136,00
17De Souza Rafael FurtadoLDV 33b+ 14w0 23b1 7b0 25w13010126,00
18Fatureto Pedro Nava MonteiroLDV 35b1 11w0 24b1 13w0 23b13010115,00
19De Oliveira Enzo Silva TomaimSGM 20b0 23w0 33b1 24w1 26b1308,510,56,00
20Santos Davi RodriguesSGM 19w1 12b½ 9b0 16w0 33b12,5012,514,56,50
21Buarque Joao Pedro LimaMRT 10w1 4b0 27w1 6b0 -02013,515,54,50
22Moura Joao Lucas BarbosaAVR 30w1 28b1 3w0 12b0 7w02012,5143,50
23Lima Joao Pedro Stival FernandesLDV 8w0 19b1 17w0 31b1 18w02012145,00
24Lopes Gustavo Kenji KuribayashiMPX 2b0 29w1 18w0 19b0 36w1201212,52,50
25Carneiro Renan MonteiroSGM 11b0 37w1 26b1 5w0 17b02011,512,53,00
26Bruno Rafael LimaDP2 31w1 8b0 25w0 32b1 19w02010,5123,50
27Pontual GabrielMRT 16b0 36w1 21b0 29w1 15b0201010,52,50
28Santos Arthur CoutoLDV 38w+ 22w0 15b0 37w1 16b0209,510,53,00
29Fernandes Joaquim Cavalcanti De AlbuquerLDV 3w0 24b0 32w1 27b0 35w1209,510,52,50
30Lemos Renzo Paiva Honorato GuimarãesMRT 22b0 42w1 13b0 35w1 14b0209102,50
31Brandao Pedro PeixotoCAT 26b0 9w0 36b1 23w0 37b1208,591,50
32Hahn Pedro PinaMRT 1b0 33w½ 29b0 26w0 43b11,50,511111,00
33De Castro Roberto Lima TeixeiraCAT 17w- 32b½ 19w0 43b1 20w01,50,510100,75
34Demartini João Pedro MuriniMRT 41w+ 1w0 10b- -0 -01012,514,52,00
35Miranda Vitor Miguel OliveiraORI 18w0 43b1 7w0 30b0 29b01010,510,50,00
36Fortuna Pedro Barbosa de FreitasMPX 4w0 27b0 31w0 -1 24b0101010,50,50
37Jovita Joao Pedro De Siqueira CamposMRT 6w0 25b0 43w1 28b0 31w0109,59,50,00
38Campos Rafael RocaMRT 28b- -0 -0 -0 -0009100,00
Pinheiro Luiz Arthur LinsMRT 14w- -0 -0 -0 -0009100,00
Roman Mauricio AraujoMRT 7b- -0 -0 -0 -0009100,00
Avalos Andre MarquesMRT 34b- -0 -0 -0 -0009100,00
42Da Silva Theo Mariz BezerraMRT 13w0 30b0 -0 -0 -0008,59,50,00
Fontenele Vinicius FeitosaMRT 5b0 35w0 37b0 33w0 32w0008,59,50,00

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable