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VI Obert Calculin de Promocio d'Escacs - GRUP VERD

Darrera actualització05.05.2018 18:57:19, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Carlos Gimenez Cañadas

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 7 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3 
1Marcos Rodriguez Raul 23b1 38w1 16w0 33b1 9w1 10b1 7w16262129
2Llonch Farres Gerard 34w1 51b1 13w0 21b1 6w1 19b1 4w1625,52027,5
3Iborra Polo Eric 59w1 16b0 32w1 17b1 8w1 30b1 11b16241924,5
4Ribera Caro Joan 32w1 30b1 7w1 9w1 13b½ 5w1 2b05,529,523,532,5
5Borras De Las Heras Marc 42w1 21b1 6w½ 31b1 16w1 4b0 13w15,525,52028,5
6Andrés Pérez Xavier 54b1 25w1 5b½ 20w½ 2b0 26w1 27b1528,522,530,5
7Ley Altimira Aran 15b1 50w1 4b0 37w1 22b1 13w1 1b0527,521,529,5
8Shneyderis Iliya 37b1 40w1 22b0 12w1 3b0 15w1 17b15272130
9Lorenzo Castro Danilo 44b1 52w1 10w1 4b0 1b0 18w1 19w1526,520,529
10Bru Montoya Marc 57b1 19w1 9b0 28w1 18b1 1w0 25b1526,520,528
11Shneyderis Mihael 60w1 17b1 24w1 13b0 35w1 16b1 3w05251926,5
12Vazquez De Los Reyes Edgar 13w0 49b1 36w1 8b0 21w1 35b1 16w15231825
13Busca Esteba Guillem 12b1 27w1 2b1 11w1 4w½ 7b0 5b04,5322636
14Tarrago Plaza Marc 18b1 20w½ -0 -0 46w1 31b1 30w14,5241926,5
15Gomez Codina Enric 7w0 63b1 30w½ 47b1 31w1 8b0 35w14,522,517,523,5
16Artigas Torras Oriol -1 3w1 1b1 22w1 5b0 11w0 12b0431,525,534,5
17Gine Jariot Arnau 29b1 11w0 55b1 3w0 39b1 22w1 8w04272130
18Gil Jimenez David 14w0 60b1 26w1 24b1 10w0 9b0 41w1426,52128
19Martinez Ayala Pol 35w1 10b0 39b1 52w1 20b+ 2w0 9b04262028,5
20Juanico Rull Marcel 62w1 14b½ 46w1 6b½ 19w- -0 34w1425,52027
21Trasobares Nasirossadat Damian 28b1 5w0 59b1 2w0 12b0 50w1 43b1425,519,526
22Olive Torras Ferran 26w1 41b1 8w1 16b0 7w0 17b0 32w1424,519,527,5
23De Maya Valenzuela Issac 1w0 36b0 53w1 43b1 41w1 24b1 -04241827
24Ventura Cebada Guiomar 45b1 46w1 11b0 18w0 37b1 23w0 39b1422,517,525
25Bonada Ventura Jordi 33w1 6b0 34w1 30b0 49w1 32b1 10w0422,517,524,5
26Navalon Rodriguez Pol 22b0 44w1 18b0 45w1 36w1 6b0 33w14221724,5
27Lopez Rivera Arnau 49w1 13b0 48w1 35b0 42w1 33b1 6w04221724
28Shearn Moreno Sean 21w0 42b1 43w1 10b0 33w0 49b1 36w14211623
29Fernandez Escabia Victor 17w0 34b0 60w1 51b1 32w0 47b1 38w14181419,5
30Herman Gamazo Isaac 39b1 4w0 15b½ 25w1 52b1 3w0 14b03,528,522,531
31Pelegrin Serrano Oriol 61w+ 43b½ 47w1 5w0 15b0 14w0 46b13,524,51927
32Gil Jimenez Ruben 4b0 45w1 3b0 55w1 29b1 25w0 22b0326,520,529,5
33Gomez Codina Isona 25b0 54w1 38b1 1w0 28b1 27w0 26b03251927
34Sanchez Navarro Lorena 2b0 29w1 25b0 39w0 61b1 52w1 20b0324,518,527
35Gonzalo Gomez Victor 19b0 57w1 50b1 27w1 11b0 12w0 15b03241925,5
36Gallemi Lloret Alex 38b0 23w1 12b0 50w1 26b0 37w1 28b0323,518,525,5
37Moyano Moreno Daniel 8w0 53b1 41w1 7b0 24w0 36b0 49w13231825
38Masso Ortiz Llorenç 36w1 1b0 33w0 53b0 44b1 42w1 29b03221624,5
39Genebat Haro Marçal 30w0 62b1 19w0 34b1 17w0 40b1 24w0321,517,523
40Viladrich Mari Martí 53w1 8b0 -0 -0 45b1 39w0 52b+321,516,523,5
41Barceló Roca Eric 55b1 22w0 37b0 44w1 23b0 57w1 18b032116,522,5
42Jaen Arjona Biel 5b0 28w0 61b1 59w1 27b0 38b0 56w132115,521,5
43Camps Abadia Arnau 47b½ 31w½ 28b0 23w0 63b1 54b1 21w0320,51621,5
44Herrero Aliaga Maria Isabel 9w0 26b0 58w1 41b0 38w0 -1 50b1318,513,519,5
45Falchou Hidalgo Max 24w0 32b0 62w1 26b0 40w0 59b1 54w13181418,5
46Parkyn Garcia Robert 58w1 24b0 20b0 57w½ 14b0 61w1 31w02,521,51622,5
47Barrera Albets Oriol 43w½ 56b1 31b0 15w0 57b1 29w0 -02,52015,521,5
48Cavero Grael Nil 51w- -0 27b0 60w1 50b0 58w½ 57b12,516,512,517,5
49Diaz de la Serna Didac 27b0 12w0 54b1 63w1 25b0 28w0 37b02221723
50Gomez Codina Celia 56w1 7b0 35w0 36b0 48w1 21b0 44w02211623
51Ruiz Garcia Berta 48b+ 2w0 52b0 29w0 -0 -0 61b+2211522
52Cayellas Bonillo Biel 63w1 9b0 51w1 19b0 30w0 34b0 40w-2201521
53Frigola Barcons Marti 40b0 37w0 23b0 38w1 -0 -0 58b1219,51520,5
54Bracons Lopez Gerard 6w0 33b0 49w0 56b1 59b1 43w0 45b02181318,5
55Torra Barbolla Edmon 41w0 58b1 17w0 32b0 -0 -0 59w1216,512,517
56Vinyets Vallbe Bernat 50b0 47w0 57b0 54w0 58b1 63w1 42b0212,59,513,5
57Genebat Haro Queralt 10w0 35b0 56w1 46b½ 47w0 41b0 48w01,5201522
58Marques Giralt Mireia 46b0 55w0 44b0 -1 56w0 48b½ 53w01,516,51318
59Fabra Pons Roger 3b0 -1 21w0 42b0 54w0 45w0 55b0121,515,523,5
60Frigola Barcons Ivet 11b0 18w0 29b0 48b0 -0 -0 -11201520
61Berrio Prat Marti 31b- -0 42w0 62b1 34w0 46b0 51w-1181419,5
62Robert Brosa Jana 20b0 39w0 45b0 61w0 -0 -0 63b+1171217
63Ciuro Duarte Maiol 52b0 15w0 -1 49b0 43w0 56b0 62w-11611,518

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)