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70th National Schools Individual Chess Championships 2018 - A Div Boys

Posledná aktualizácia 14.03.2018 09:33:55, Creator/Last Upload: Singapore Chess Federation

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Tabuľka podľa štartových čísiel

č.TMenoEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdBodyPor. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMTin Jingyao2330HCI 20w1 10b1 6w1 4b½ 2w1 3b1 8w1 5b1 7w18,51038
2FMSivakumar Ashvin2061RIS 21b1 11w1 5b½ 7w1 1b0 17w+ 4w0 3w1 10b16,54025
3CMLee Jun Wei1976ACI 22w1 17b1 8w1 9b1 4w0 1w0 7b1 2b0 5w165036
4FMLee Qing Aun1920ACI 23b1 19w1 7b1 1w½ 3b1 9w1 2b1 10w1 6b½82047
5CMTan Jun Hao1867HCI 24w1 31b1 2w½ 6b0 30w1 11b½ 25w1 1w0 3b0515014
6Goh Jinghan Cameron1721RIS 25b1 33w1 1b0 5w1 10b0 35w1 9b½ 11w1 4w½67015
7AGMOh Benjamin Yao Teng1703SJT 26w1 32b1 4w0 2b0 24w1 21b1 3w0 14b1 1b0510035
8Chan Yung Kang Jerome1688HCI 27b1 37w1 3b0 29w1 11b1 10w½ 1b0 9w1 20b16,53036
9Kow Wen Han Jonathan1617ACI 28w1 34b1 16w1 3w0 19b1 4b0 6w½ 8b0 11b15,58035
10Tan Jun Qi Benjamin1608CJC 29b1 1w0 35b1 37w1 6w1 8b½ 19w1 4b0 2w05,59025
11Ang Ee Xien1581NUH 30w1 2b0 31w1 20b1 8w0 5w½ 36b1 6b0 9w04,517024
12Wong Chien Rong Kevin1573ACI 31b0 16b0 22w1 33w0 26b0 34b0 27w1 23w1 37b0333003
13Vignesh Soundara Rajan1514AJC 32w0 26b0 23w- 38b- 22w0 28b- -0 -0 -0038000
14Aravind Gopinath Nair1320TPC 33b0 35w0 27b1 31w1 25b0 37w1 26b1 7w0 24b1511035
15Lew Zhi Yang1317CJC 34w0 28b1 30w0 36b1 29w1 25b0 24w0 32b0 33w½3,526023
16So Jun Hong Glenn1229ACC 35b½ 12w1 9b0 25w½ 33b1 19w- -0 -0 -0331012
17Chen Guanzhou0HCI 36w1 3w0 29b0 26b1 34w1 2b- -0 -0 -0330013
18Chen Yuxuan0PGS 37b0 25w0 38b0 27w1 28b1 31w0 33b1 36w½ 30b14,516034
19Chew Ern Mitchell0RIS 38w1 4b0 32w1 24b1 9w0 16b+ 10b0 25w0 35b½4,521013
20Choo Yi Kai Elkan0TPC 1b0 27w1 33b1 11w0 35b0 38w+ 34w1 24b1 8w0513024
21Chua Melvin0NYJ 2w0 30b0 28w1 32b1 38b1 7w0 35b1 31w0 36b0422034
22Gnoh Cheng Yi0NUH 3b0 29w0 12b0 28w0 13b1 27w1 37b1 35w0 34b0329023
23Gu Zehao0DMH 4w0 36b0 13b+ 34w0 31b0 32b0 29w1 12b0 27w0236001
24Hwang Yu Jie Lucas0NUH 5b0 38w1 34b1 19w0 7b0 33w1 15b1 20w0 14w0423024
25Khor Eng Yeow0RIS 6w0 18b1 36w½ 16b½ 14w1 15w1 5b0 19b1 31w166025
26Kovanov Dmitry0OFS 7b0 13w1 37b0 17w0 12w1 29b1 14w0 34b½ 32w½425013
27Lau Jun Jie0NUH 8w0 20b0 14w0 18b0 32w1 22b0 12b0 37w0 23b1234012
28Lee Jian Jet0YTS 9b0 15w0 21b0 22b1 18w0 13w+ 32w0 30b0 29b+332011
29Lim Jing Xiang Bryan0RIS 10w0 22b1 17w1 8b0 15b0 26w0 23b0 33w- 28w-235012
30Lim Zhe Xun0HCI 11b0 21w1 15b1 35w½ 5b0 36w0 31b0 28w1 18w03,527013
31Sieu Yong Jeff0NUH 12w1 5w0 11b0 14b0 23w1 18b1 30w1 21b1 25b0512025
32Tam Keng Hong0HCI 13b1 7w0 19b0 21w0 27b0 23w1 28b1 15w1 26b½4,519024
33Tan Chang Hui Ronald0CJC 14w1 6b0 20w0 12b1 16w0 24b0 18w0 29b+ 15b½3,528012
34Tye Jia Jun Marques0NUH 15b1 9w0 24w0 23b1 17b0 12w1 20b0 26w½ 22w14,518024
35Woon Jun Hao Benedict0EJC 16w½ 14b1 10w0 30b½ 20w1 6b0 21w0 22b1 19w½4,520023
36Zhang Jingzheng0NUH 17b0 23w1 25b½ 15w0 37b1 30b1 11w0 18b½ 21w1514024
37Zhang Xinyang0RIS 18w1 8b0 26w1 10b0 36w0 14b0 22w0 27b1 12w1424014
38Zhao Tong Zhou0NUH 19b0 24b0 18w1 13w+ 21w0 20b- -0 -0 -0237001

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Greater number of victories/games variable