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32 All India Postal Chess(Individual) Tournament 2017-18

Last update 09.12.2017 07:20:33, Creator/Last Upload: cpca

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMMaheswaran P.2240IND 45b1 24w1 13b1 6w½ 10b1 11w½ 2b16103134
2Pradeep Kumar R A2236IND 46w1 27b1 15w1 7b½ 11w½ 16b1 1w058030,532,5
3FMMishra Soumyaranjan2197IND 47b1 28w1 14b½ 8w1 12b1 6w1 11b05,54029,533,5
4Kunal2106IND 48w1 29b1 17w1 11b0 9w1 15b0 19w½4,514029,533,5
5Muthu Kumar M.2105IND 49b1 30w½ 39b½ -0 -0 -0 -0274023,526,5
6Bavankumar2086IND 50w1 33b1 19w1 1b½ 7w½ 3b0 24w15902932
7Sinha Sudhir Kumar2052IND 51b1 32w1 16b1 2w½ 6b½ 13w0 26b151002831
8Kasi A.L.2049IND 52w1 35b1 21w1 3b0 19w1 17b1 15w½5,5502932
9Panigrahi Manoj Kumar2036IND 53b1 34w1 18b½ 14w1 4b0 22w1 10b+5,56026,529,5
10Ramakrishna Perumalla2019IND 54w1 39b½ 56w1 18b1 1w0 21b1 9w-4,515027,530,5
11Soni Krishan2010IND 55b1 36w1 88b1 4w1 2b½ 1b½ 3w162029,532,5
12Sinha Vikash Kr.2004IND 56w½ 43b1 82w1 30b1 3w0 18b0 41w½42502527,5
13Vijay Kumar1915IND 57b1 40w1 1w0 29b1 28w1 7b1 18w163026,529,5
14Sher Singh1906IND 58w1 41b1 3w½ 9b0 50w1 24b½ 28w1511025,528,5
15Rajiv Vasudev1862IND 59b1 64w1 2b0 39w+ 69w1 4w1 8b½5,57024,525
16Fredrick John1832IND 60w1 66b1 7w0 33b1 88w1 2w0 69b1512025,528
17Dilesh Chawhare1811IND 61b1 69w1 4b0 40w1 20b1 8w0 34b151302427
18Tarun Sharma1810IND 62w1 70b1 9w½ 10w0 32b1 12w1 13b04,517026,529,5
19Dinesh Asotra1603IND 63b1 75w1 6b0 61w1 8b0 30w1 4b½4,51902526,5
20Jani Dipak1555IND 64w0 59b1 47w1 35b1 17w0 69b0 88b035002424,5
21Dansana Kartika1550IND 65b1 81w1 8b0 67w½ 42b1 10w0 39b14,518025,528,5
22Raghu S B1550IND 66w0 60b1 49w1 41b½ 54w1 9b0 48w½430022,525
23Hariramani R N1531IND 67b1 88w0 53b1 69w0 55b1 34w0 49b1429022,525,5
24Solanki Mukesh1519IND 68w1 1b0 50w½ 70b1 41w1 14w½ 6b042202628
25Manisha Gore1504IND 69b0 61w0 87b½ 45w1 73b½ 55w1 53b1438019,521,5
26Manas Kanti Mandal1503IND 70w0 62b1 58w1 88b0 52w1 47b1 7w042702326
27Zakir Hussain1474IND 71b1 2w0 61b0 57w1 53b0 58w1 67b½3,544020,523,5
28Venkatesha Upadhyaya T V1415IND 72w1 3b0 64b1 81w1 13b0 53w1 14b0424025,527,5
29Joshi Jitendra1402IND 73b1 4w0 65b1 13w0 61b1 88w½ 42b½423025,528,5
30Milind Gode1401IND 74w1 5b½ 86w1 12w0 67b1 19b0 82w½43202224
31Chauhan Pradip F1389IND 75b0 63w1 69b0 62w0 71w0 84b1 64w136801718
32Md Abdul Mataleb1378IND 76w1 7b0 66w½ 56b1 18w0 54b½ 47w035202326
33Shovondeb Sadhukhan1356IND 77b1 6w0 71b1 16w0 62b½ 67w½ 61b142802325
34Gautam Gondaliya1350IND 78w1 9b0 67w0 58b1 65w1 23b1 17w0426023,525
35Satbir Singh1319IND 79b1 8w0 75b1 20w0 76b½ 62w1 81b14,52002224,5
36Bhattacharjee Anupam1115IND 80w1 11b0 70w0 64b1 79w½ 76b½ 54w1435020,522,5
37A Srinivasa Rao0IND 81b0 65w0 62b0 63w1 64w1 66b+ 73b½3,54701819,5
38Babu Subhash0IND 82w½ 86b0 81b0 73w0 83b½ 85w½ 74b01,58601718,5
39Bafna Ajay0IND 83b1 10w½ 5w½ 15b- 75b½ 70b1 21w03,54002425,5
40Banerjee Sanjoy0IND 84w1 13b0 80w1 17b0 70w½ 82b0 79w½35402324
41Bhagirath0IND 85b1 14w0 79b1 22w½ 24b0 71w1 12b½431022,524,5
42C H Rushikesh0IND 86w½ 82b0 68w1 66b1 21w0 79b1 29w½43702022
43Chander Dinesh0IND 87b½ 12w0 57b½ 65w0 74b1 61w0 80b½2,573017,519,5
44Chawre Rajendra0IND 88w0 67b0 72w1 71b½ 68w½ 65b1 76w½3,54502022
45Chetri Pradip0IND 1w0 68b½ 76w0 25b0 84w1 56b½ 63w136402021
46Dubey Ashutosh0IND 2b0 71w0 63b1 75w0 77b1 73w0 65b0278019,521
47G.G. Manwatkar0IND 3w0 72b1 20b0 77w1 80b1 26w0 32b1436020,522,5
48G.V. Ramana0IND 4b0 73w½ 83b1 76w½ 81b½ 75w1 22b½43302223,5
49Gaur M.S.0IND 5w0 74b1 22b0 79w- 72w1 68b1 23w036302022
50Gupta Kapil0IND 6b0 77w1 24b½ 82w1 14b0 81w0 71b½349024,526,5
51Gupta Pawan Kumar0IND 7w0 76b½ 84w½ 80b- 85b½ 87w- 72w½279019,520,5
52Gupta Rajnish0IND 8b0 79w0 74b1 85w1 26b0 80w½ 75b½366019,521,5
53H.M. Vadiraju0IND 9w0 78b1 23w0 84b1 27w1 28b0 25w035602223
54J Nagaraj0IND 10b0 83w½ 73b1 86w1 22b0 32w½ 36b0358021,523
55Jain Anurag0IND 11w0 80b0 78w1 87b1 23w0 25b0 68w1361020,522
56K.G. Maheshwara Chari0IND 12b½ 87w1 10b0 32w0 82b0 45w½ 85b136002123
57Kapoor Manish0IND 13w0 84b½ 43w½ 27b0 87w½ 86b1 70w½36701920
58Kori Moti Lal0IND 14b0 85w1 26b0 34w0 78b1 27b0 86w1362020,522
59Kumar Vinod0IND 15w0 20w0 77b0 72b0 60w0 -1 78b0188016,517
60Mahinder0IND 16b0 22w0 85b0 74w0 59b1 77w1 66b½2,57201818,5
61Mishra Sharad0IND 17w0 25b1 27w1 19b0 29w0 43b1 33w034802527,5
62Mohan Ashutosh0IND 18b0 26w0 37w1 31b1 33w½ 35b0 87w13,54102325
63O venkateshwara Rao0IND 19w0 31b0 46w0 37b0 -1 74w1 45b0281017,518,5
64P.V. Damodar0IND 20b1 15b0 28w0 36w0 37b0 78w1 31b027502223,5
65Pandit Prabhakar0IND 21w0 37b1 29w0 43b1 34b0 44w0 46w1357021,523,5
66Parthi Rupak Kumar0IND 22b1 16w0 32b½ 42w0 86b½ 37w- 60w½2,56902224
67Pradhan Bhagirathi0IND 23w0 44w1 34b1 21b½ 30w0 33b½ 27w½3,53902427,5
68Rajkhowa Anupam0IND 24b0 45w½ 42b0 83w1 44b½ 49w0 55b027602122,5
69Raut P.B.0IND 25w1 17b0 31w1 23b1 15b0 20w1 16w042102629
70S Pramod Kumar0IND 26b1 18w0 36b1 24w0 40b½ 39w0 57b½351023,526,5
71Sahu Rajkumar0IND 27w0 46b1 33w0 44w½ 31b1 41b0 50w½35902123
72Sankhyan Neha0IND 28b0 47w0 44b0 59w1 49b0 83w1 51b½2,570019,520
73Sarma M.S.S.0IND 29w0 48b½ 54w0 38b1 25w½ 46b1 37w½3,54602021,5
74Satpal0IND 30b0 49w0 52w0 60b1 43w0 63b0 38w128201718,5
75Sharma D.K.0IND 31w1 19b0 35w0 46b1 39w½ 48b0 52w½35302325
76Shukla RaviShankar0IND 32b0 51w½ 45b1 48b½ 35w½ 36w½ 44b½3,54302225
77Singh Abhinav0IND 33w0 50b0 59w1 47b0 46w0 60b0 84w1285016,517
78Singh Malkit0IND 34b0 53w0 55b0 -1 58w0 64b0 59w1284016,517
79Singh Rajinder0IND 35w0 52b1 41w0 49b+ 36b½ 42w0 40b½355022,525
80Singh Rituraj0IND 36b0 55w1 40b0 51w+ 47w0 52b½ 43w½365019,522
81Singh Suresh Prasad0IND 37w1 21b0 38w1 28b0 48w½ 50b1 35w03,54202324,5
82Soni K.K0IND 38b½ 42w1 12b0 50b0 56w1 40w1 30b½43402122,5
83Soni Rohit0IND 39w0 54b½ 48w0 68b0 38w½ 72b0 -128301718
84T Balagangadhar Raju0IND 40b0 57w½ 51b½ 53w0 45b0 31w0 77b018701820
85Thakur Shashi0IND 41w0 58b0 60w1 52b0 51w½ 38b½ 56w0280018,520
86Upadayay Ashok0IND 42b½ 38w1 30b0 54b0 66w½ 57w0 58b027702021,5
87Walia Harjit0IND 43w½ 56b0 25w½ 55w0 57b½ 51b+ 62b02,57101921
88Y.P Srivastwa0IND 44b1 23b1 11w0 26w1 16b0 29b½ 20w14,516026,529,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)