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12. Salzkammergut Schachopen 2018 (C-Turnier unter 1750 nat. Elo)

Last update 21.05.2018 16:14:17, Creator/Last Upload: Daniel Lieb

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Czvitkovics Helmut1609AUT 42b1 23w1 20b1 11b1 2w½4,513811,00
2Nemeth Arpad DI.1510AUT 13b1 21w1 6w½ 19b1 1b½416,59,512,50
3Lerchl Clemens1513GER 10b½ 16w1 4b½ 14w1 13b1415,5912,25
4Westphal Simon1613GER 41w1 39b½ 3w½ 28b1 10w1411,56,58,25
5Schett Franz Mag.1543AUT 34w1 20b0 44w1 12b1 11w1410,56,58,00
6Arztmann Robert1634AUT 18b1 40w1 2b½ 9w½ 7b½3,515,51010,00
7Szolga Ludwig1513AUT 19w½ 24b1 27w1 10b½ 6w½3,51489,50
8Freh Walter Mag.1530AUT 32b½ 31w1 10b- 39w+ 20b13,5126,59,00
9Lerchl Hannes1680GER 39w0 41b1 40w1 6b½ 22w13,5116,56,75
10Thurnbauer Alois1748GER 3w½ 35b1 8w+ 7w½ 4b0316108,25
11Röhrbacher Franz1681AUT 25b1 43w1 14b1 1w0 5b03159,56,50
12Rachbauer Alois1664AUT 23b0 18w1 26b1 5w0 21b1314,588,00
13Hofmann Günther1702AUT 2w0 22b1 43w1 29b1 3w031385,00
14Gaspar Zdravko1577AUT 37b1 26w1 11w0 3b0 30w13137,56,00
15Schellenbauer Peter1458AUT 24w½ 19b0 36w1 43b1 17w½311,57,55,75
16Baumgartner Gerhard1623AUT 22w½ 3b0 45w1 30b½ 28w1311,565,25
17Röckl Adelbert1542GER 31b½ 32w1 28b½ 21w½ 15b½3116,56,50
18Baronbeck Johann1462AUT 6w0 12b0 34w1 38b1 29w1310,564,00
19Langbauer Johann DI.1712AUT 7b½ 15w1 39b1 2w0 -02,516,5107,25
Westphal Ekkehard1414GER 33b1 5w1 1w0 24b½ 8w02,516,5107,25
21Lentner Wolfram Mag.1651AUT 30w1 2b0 35w1 17b½ 12w02,51485,50
22Kirchmayer Peter1460AUT 16b½ 13w0 32b1 33w1 9b02,513,585,50
23Reisner Hans1467AUT 12w1 1b0 29w0 35b1 27w½2,513,57,56,25
24Vogl Walter Mag.1616AUT 15b½ 7w0 42b1 20w½ 25b½2,512,585,00
25Goelles Walter1495AUT 11w0 45b½ 31w1 27b½ 24w½2,511,575,25
26Gehrke Korbinian1232GER 36w1 14b0 12w0 40b1 33w½2,511,574,50
27Rastl Ruediger1572AUT 38b1 28w½ 7b0 25w½ 23b½2,511,56,54,75
28Felleitner Christina1208AUT -1 27b½ 17w½ 4w0 16b0214,58,54,25
29Gruberbauer Richard1576AUT 35w0 -1 23b1 13w0 18b02127,54,00
Kraxner Otmar Dr.1463AUT 21b0 37w1 33b½ 16w½ 14b02127,54,00
31Plessnitzer Andreas1334AUT 17w½ 8b0 25b0 42w1 36b½2127,53,50
32Kaufmann Robert Mag.1332AUT 8w½ 17b0 22w0 41b1 37w½211,573,50
33Auinger Markus1602AUT 20w0 34b1 30w½ 22b0 26b½210,573,25
34Hoffmann Steffen1355GER 5b0 33w0 18b0 -1 40w+210,562,00
35Lahm Markus1395GER 29b1 10w0 21b0 23w0 44b12106,52,50
36Maschek Ludwig1527AUT 26b0 42w½ 15b0 44b1 31w½29,55,52,50
37Weindl Gerhard Ing.1407AUT 14w0 30b0 41w½ 45b+ 32b½2953,00
38Van Baaren Matthias1381AUT 27w0 44b0 -1 18w0 43b128,54,52,50
39Strawa Pawel1487GER 9b1 4w½ 19w0 8b- -01,5169,55,50
40Fritz Martin1530AUT 45w1 6b0 9b0 26w0 34b-11381,50
41Griesböck Rudolf Ing.1429AUT 4b0 9w0 37b½ 32w0 42b½11271,25
42Spalt Karoline1423AUT 1w0 36b½ 24w0 31b0 41w½1126,51,50
43Hollinger Alfred1536AUT 44w1 11b0 13b0 15w0 38w0111,57,51,00
44Haida Johannes Wolfgang DI.1332GER 43b0 38w1 5b0 36w0 35w0110,55,51,50
45Strawa Dariusz1236GER 40b0 25w½ 16b0 37w- -00,510,561,25

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable