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Champ 2017 CAT.A RAPID PHASE1 Centre-Journée 1

Seinast dagført04.06.2017 20:00:25, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

10Makem PierreCMR1912
7Mbusnoum HenriCMR1845
3Grimailler PhilippeBEL1842
8Anguissa Abega ArseneCMR1800
6Belinga JosephCMR1800
2Dongmo Zebaze DylaneCMR1800
4Eloundou HerveCMR1800
1Fomena StevinCMR1800
5Minali EricCMR1800
9Noutchegueme Alain-DidierCMR1800