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Iranian Men's Chess Championship 1395

Last update 13.03.2017 10:48:57, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 77)

Starting rank list of players

1GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan12500739IRI2577
12GMIdani Pouya12510130IRI2576
10GMMaghsoodloo Parham12539929IRI2576
4GMLorparizangeneh Shahin12521604IRI2524
9GMDarini Pouria12502200IRI2518
11IMTabatabaei M.Amin12521213IRI2515
6GMPourramezanali Amirreza12511412IRI2510
3IMFirouzja Alireza12573981IRI2470
8IMMosadeghpour Masoud12519278IRI2444
2IMGholami Aryan12513342IRI2426
7IMMousavi Seyed Khalil12511099IRI2412
5Bagheri Maziar12530913IRI2302