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2017 Waterkloof Open Prestige Section

Last update 05.03.2017 17:00:18, Creator: Hendrik du Toit,Last Upload: Maryka Lategan

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Starting rank

1IMMakoto Rodwell18701995911000120ZIM2391
2IMJere Daniel1860140798700249ZAM2386
3IMMabusela Johannes Manyedi18401905414300702RSA2227
4Mnguni Jacob Dumisani19202348514320908RSA2132
5Mwale Joseph19402632916400135MAW2132
6Du Plessis Heinco19400781514306263RSA1999
7CMGoosen Anton16101071114301709RSA1984
8CMMazibuko Khanya10105058414321041RSA1936
9Nelson Jaco17802730914300400RSA1866
10WIMTembo Epah2930373738700125ZAM1851w
11CMKlevansky Aron10001581314313332RSA1816
12Roos Lucas19903253214308673RSA1795
13Koekemoer Bernard19701601814307812RSA1722
14Masiya Mfundo1432111414321114RSA1702
15Richter Jan-Michael10103216714316854RSA1664
16Reddy Ananta10103194214310902RSA1651