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NOVE NADE SAHA 2016 (deca do 10 godina)

Last update 11.06.2016 20:01:11, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
17Savic Aleksandar ZSRB06221,000
21Milanovic MarkoSRB13726116,000
33Koscal ArsenijeSRB15283,508,000
44Tadic AnaSRB0317,250
55Vuckovic StefanSRB030,57,250
62Trajkovic DjordjeSRB1391306,500
76Radisavljevic TaraSRB02,505,500
88Denic HanaSRB0116,000

Tie Break1: Koya Tie-Break
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)