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48è Campionat de Catalunya Juvenil

Last update 13.04.2009 13:32:06, Creator/Last Upload: Ramon Chalmeta Ugas

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMAlonso Rosell Àlvar2442ESP 21b1 24w1 6b1 2w½ 3b1 5w1 9b½ 4w½6,5393243,5
2IMAlomà Vidal Robert2378ESP 35w1 22b1 12w1 1b½ 5w0 7b1 17w1 8b16,536,529,540
3IMVila Gazquez Xavier2449ESP 32w1 20b1 4w1 5b½ 1w0 6w1 8b½ 9w163828,542
4Moreno Martín Daniel2185ESP 40b1 25w1 3b0 23w1 8b½ 16w1 5b1 1b½63627,539
5Coll Ortega Jordi2166ESP 43b1 41w1 10b1 3w½ 2b1 1b0 4w0 16w15,537,528,540,5
6Leiva Velasco David2183ESP 36w1 19b1 1w0 18b1 25w1 3b0 13w½ 24b15,5352638,5
7Sánchez Ibern Marc2215ESP 39b1 16w½ 30b1 8w½ 17b½ 2w0 23b1 20w15,533,52536,5
8Hernández Funes Rubén2166ESP 37w1 44b1 9w½ 7b½ 4w½ 34b1 3w½ 2w053626,539
9FMMestre Bellido Hèctor2279ESP 29b1 17w1 8b½ 10w½ 34w½ 26b1 1w½ 3b053526,538,5
10Lillo Castany Víctor2255ESP 31w1 15b1 5w0 9b½ 13w½ 18b½ 19w½ 17b15342338
11Domínguez Pons Èric2210ESP 33w1 18b½ 14w½ 25b0 19w1 15b1 24w½ 13b½532,52336,5
12Prujà Ramírez de Cartagena Marc2180ESP 42w1 26b1 2b0 21w1 16b½ 17w0 25b½ 30w15322435
13Del Valle Cirera Adrià2140ESP 41b0 23w½ 48b1 29w1 10b½ 22w1 6b½ 11w½531,52134
14Sabrià Batlle Pol2182ESP 28b1 30w½ 11b½ 16w0 21b½ 27w1 26b½ 25w153021,534
15Ortega Serra Marc2107ESP 27b1 10w0 28b0 45w1 40b1 11w0 32b1 26w15292032
16Subirats Ruiz Sergi2071ESP 52w1 7b½ 18w½ 14b1 12w½ 4b0 34w1 5b04,53523,536,5
17Castellano Egea Einar2113ESP 47w1 9b0 36w1 39b1 7w½ 12b1 2b0 10w04,533,52436,5
18Pueyo Burrell David2097ESP 50b1 11w½ 16b½ 6w0 28b1 10w½ 20b0 35w14,5322134,5
19Vidal Zamora Àlex2039ESP 53b1 6w0 43b½ 27w1 11b0 21w1 10b½ 22w½4,531,520,533
20Mateos Rozas Miguel Ángel2145ESP 46b1 3w0 29b½ 43w1 26w½ 25b½ 18w1 7b04,53121,534
21Albets Armengol Roland1989ESP 1w0 45b1 44w1 12b0 14w½ 19b0 36w1 34b14,5311834
22Esplugas Esteve Vicenç2127ESP 38w1 2w0 40b1 26b0 31w1 13b0 42w1 19b½4,530,520,533,5
23Sánchez Ibern Èric2104ESP 48w½ 13b½ 42w1 4b0 39w½ 29b1 7w0 28w14,530,519,533
24Colón García Enric2143ESP 45w1 1b0 39w0 37b1 35w1 42b1 11b½ 6w04,5302133
25Gallego Bergada Antoni2034ESP 49w1 4b0 37b1 11w1 6b0 20w½ 12w½ 14b0434,521,537
26Visa Jordana Joel2033ESP 51b1 12w0 41b1 22w1 20b½ 9w0 14w½ 15b04322234
27Cantí Sendra Xavier1794ESP 15w0 31b1 35w½ 19b0 33w1 14b0 29w½ 39b14301633
28Veciana Coronado Bru1868ESP 14w0 49b1 15w1 34b0 18w0 47b1 31w1 23b0429,51832
29Boldú Soto Roger1971ESP 9w0 38b1 20w½ 13b0 44b1 23w0 27b½ 43w1429,51632,5
30Fernández Soriano Rubén2028ESP 54w1 14b½ 7w0 35b½ 42w0 39b1 40w1 12b04281929
31Riera Morilla Elisabeth1931ESP 10b0 27w0 52b1 41w1 22b0 46w1 28b0 44w1426,51528
32Bardera Gil Sergi2025ESP 3b0 37w0 50b½ 48w½ 41b1 43b1 15w0 40b142613,528,5
33Porras Mateo Alejandra1904ESP 11b0 50w1 34b0 38w½ 27b0 41w½ 45w1 42b14251427,5
34Talló Domínguez Imar2123ESP 44b0 48b1 33w1 28w1 9b½ 8w0 16b0 21w03,5302032,5
35Palomo Teruel Xavier1981ESP 2b0 46w1 27b½ 30w½ 24b0 44w½ 49w1 18b03,529,51632
36Terrones Launes Mireia1884ESP 6b0 53w1 17b0 44w0 48b½ 50w1 21b0 49w13,5251326,5
37Mallol Muste Marc1856ESP 8b0 32b1 25w0 24w0 49b0 53w1 48b½ 50w13,5251226,5
38Veciana Coronado Pau1841ESP 22b0 29w0 51b1 33b½ 43w½ 40w0 46b½ 48w13,52412,526
39Castells Aloy Jordi1922ESP 7w0 47b1 24b1 17w0 23b½ 30w0 44b½ 27w03301633
40López Peralta Xavier1886ESP 4w0 52b1 22w0 47b1 15w0 38b1 30b0 32w03301531,5
41Coll Ortega Cristina1847ESP 13w1 5b0 26w0 31b0 32w0 33b½ 51b1 46w½329,51231,5
42Robles Sánchez David1867ESP 12b0 51w1 23b0 49w1 30b1 24w0 22b0 33w03291631
43Cassà Triadu Jordi1863ESP 5w0 54b1 19w½ 20b0 38b½ 32w0 47w1 29b03291430
44Vicient Calvo Ramon1839ESP 34w1 8w0 21b0 36b1 29w0 35b½ 39w½ 31b032815,531
45Solani Núñez Joshua1850ESP 24b0 21w0 53b1 15b0 47w0 51w1 33b0 54w1324,51025,5
46Talló Domínguez Kirian1852ESP 20w0 35b0 49w0 50w1 52b1 31b0 38w½ 41b½323,510,525
47Barbosa Rubies Laia1833ESP 17b0 39w0 54b1 40w0 45b1 28w0 43b0 52b13221123
48Escobar Figueroa Sandra1781ESP 23b½ 34w0 13w0 32b½ 36w½ 49b½ 37w½ 38b02,527,51130
49Pellicer Roncero Nèstor1665ESP 25b0 28w0 46b1 42b0 37w1 48w½ 35b0 36b02,524,511,527
50Corrales Adamuz Cristian1776ESP 18w0 33b0 32w½ 46b0 53w1 36b0 54w1 37b02,524925
51Vidal Zamora Cristina1487ESP 26w0 42b0 38w0 52w0 54b1 45b0 41w0 53w1219,5520,5
52Muratet Carmona Alexandra1715ESP 16b0 40w0 31w0 51b1 46w0 54b0 53b½ 47w01,521622
53Oliva Vilarnau Núria1697ESP 19w0 36b0 45w0 54w1 50b0 37b0 52w½ 51b01,520,5621,5
54Egea Cano Joan Manel1475ESP 30b0 43w0 47w0 53b0 51w0 52w1 50b0 45b0119320,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)