Campeonato Nacional de Jovens - Portimão 09 Sub-16 - Época 2008/2009

Organizer(s)FP Xadrez / AXD Faro
FederationPortugal ( POR )
Tournament directorFernando Gouveia
Chief ArbiterVitorino Ferreira
ArbiterHugo Saraiva, Luis Mota e Paulo Xavier
Time control1H30 + 30'' each move
LocationEscola Secundária Poeta António Aleixo, Portimão
Number of rounds7
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculation -
Date2009/03/29 to 2009/04/02
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz Herzog

Last update 02.04.2009 14:13:01, Creator/Last Upload: fpxcastelobranco

Tournament selectionSub08, Sub10, Sub12, Sub14, Sub16, Sub18, Veteranos
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details, no flags
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Final Ranking after 7 Rounds, Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7/7 , not paired
Top five players, Total statistics, medal statistics
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes

Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rp
1Neves Pedro Alexandre MaiaCOI 57b1 17w1 23b1 18w1 10b½ 5w1 3b½6211,528,530,52115
2Martinho Filipe Mesquita AlvesAVE 39b1 25w1 22b1 10w0 13b1 6w1 8b161982730,51956
3Ferreira Jorge Joao ViterboPRT 41w1 11b½ 20w1 8b1 4w1 10b1 1w½6195,529,532,52034
4Mateus Francisco Jardim SilvaPRT 43b1 29w1 13b1 5w½ 3b0 18b1 24w15,520727,530,51992
5Vasques Antonio Pedro FreixialSET 33w1 14b1 24w1 4b½ 11w1 1b0 10w15,5204,52932,51957
6Bray Daniel Jose FreireLRA 19w0 30b1 28w1 32b1 21w1 2b0 18w15190,52528,51733
7Mendes Pedro Miguel GomesPRT 42w1 36b1 10b0 33w0 50b1 46w1 23b15189,521,5241593
8Cadeirinhas David Eduardo LLIS 55b1 59w1 9b1 3w0 33b1 25w1 2w0518727291794
9Martins Joao Pedro GodinhoLRA 34w1 35b1 8w0 11b0 32w1 28b1 21w15186,52427,51712
10Ferreira Miguel Fernandes SoarPRT 61w1 27b1 7w1 2b1 1w½ 3w0 5b04,519532341892
11Machado Carlos Antonio De FBRA 66b1 3w½ 50b1 9w1 5b0 23w0 31b14,519226,526,51784
12Martinho Nuno Miguel De ABRA 40b1 64w1 18b0 25w0 58b1 31w½ 33b14,5186,520,522,51604
13Simoes Miguel Guilherme LinhasPRT 30w1 19b1 4w0 57b1 2w0 15b½ 27w14,5184,527291606
14Meireles Ana Maria QueirosBRA 60w1 5w0 39b1 24b1 18w0 16b½ 40w14,5179,525271739
15Vaz Vitor DiogoVRE 31b0 63w1 64b1 17w½ 46b½ 13w½ 29b14,5177,521231570
16Catarina Goncalo Filipe SantosSET 54b0 45w½ 51b1 46w½ 26b1 14w½ 25b14,5176,52123,51505
17Ribeiro Joao Pedro CostaBRA 48w1 1b0 58w1 15b½ 28w½ 27b½ 34w14,517424261587
18Rodrigues Cesar Andre Da SilvaLIS 58w1 21b1 12w1 1b0 14b1 4w0 6b04191,529,531,51744
19Simoes Andre PiresFAR 6b1 13w0 29b½ 31w½ 52w½ 43b1 28w½4187,52325,51616
20Cruz Joao Filipe SantosBRA 50b½ 51w1 3b0 26w½ 43b½ 33w½ 45w141862224,51522
21Gomes Rui Pedro De SousaBRA 47b1 18w0 43b1 23w1 6b0 22w1 9b04185,525281695
22Margarido Jose Miguel TeixeiraPRT 45w1 54b1 2w0 35w1 25b0 21b0 42w1418523,5261559
23Parreira Andre Filipe RoxoSET 49w1 32b1 1w0 21b0 57w1 11b1 7w0418225,527,51627
24Martins Daniel CarvalhoSET 63b1 31w1 5b0 14w0 41b1 35w1 4b04181,525,527,51651
25Goulao Goncalo Jose FranciscoCBR 65w1 2b0 34w1 12b1 22w1 8b0 16w04175,527,528,51700
26Silva Joao Miguel Carvalho LopesAVE 37b½ 50w0 45b1 20b½ 16w0 62w1 46b14168,520,522,51453
27Correia Rafael Luis PedroLRA 46b1 10w0 40b½ 50w½ 62b1 17w½ 13b03,518822,524,51454
28Costa Joao Carlos Sequeira DaBRA 51b½ 37w1 6b0 40w1 17b½ 9w0 19b½3,5175,525,5281465
29Martins Marta Sofia CardosoSET 44w1 4b0 19w½ 42b½ 34w½ 30b1 15w03,517424271366
30Pereira Manuel RochaLRA 13b0 6w0 47b½ 55w1 54b1 29w0 57b13,5172,521231455
31Monteiro Joana Filipa Da SilvaSET 15w1 24b0 42w½ 19b½ 49w1 12b½ 11w03,5171,524,5271475
32Fernandes Afonso Sampaio Da SAÇO 62b1 23w0 59b1 6w0 9b0 50w1 38b½3,5171,522241502
33Costa Pedro Miguel Baptista DeLIS 5b0 60w1 52w1 7b1 8w0 20b½ 12w03,517126,528,51663
34Almeida Angelo Jose Borges SLIS 9b0 56w1 25b0 37w1 29b½ 39w1 17b03,51702426,51488
35Ribeiro Ricardo Andre M DiasBRA 56b1 9w0 54w1 22b0 42w1 24b0 36w½3,51682224,51493
36Aguiar Marta Cristina NevesAVE 38b1 7w0 57b0 43w0 59b1 64w1 35b½3,516519211449
37Veloso Joao Miguel RodriguesBRA 26w½ 28b0 49w½ 34b0 51w½ 60b1 52w13,5160,518,520,51421
38Vale Antonio Jose Pereira MartBRA 36w0 42b0 62b½ 51w1 45w½ 61b1 32w½3,5160,517,519,51294
39Fernandes Carla Sofia RSET 2w0 65b1 14w0 44b½ 53w1 34b0 49w13,5159,522231414
40Silva Joao Pedro CoutoLRA 12w0 53b1 27w½ 28b0 44w1 52b1 14b03,5159,521,5241506
41Alves Marta Sofia Beleza Dos SPRT 3b0 66w1 46b0 59w1 24w0 49b½ 43w½317320,520,51437
42Bento Joao Tiago NevesSAN 7b0 38w1 31b½ 29w½ 35b0 58w1 22b03172,523251485
43Picado Iva Filipa Dos SantosSET 4w0 44b1 21w0 36b1 20w½ 19w0 41b½3170,524271422
44Santos Isabel Pereira DosLIS 29b0 43w0 55b1 39w½ 40b0 54w½ 63b13163,518,520,51326
45Goncalves Bernardo BrancoSAN 22b0 16b½ 26w0 47w1 38b½ 57w1 20b0316123251495
46Silva Nuno Miguel Marques DaBRA 27w0 61b1 41w1 16b½ 15w½ 7b0 26w03158,524,526,51443
47Oliveira Joao Andre CristovaoCOI 21w0 58b0 30w½ 45b0 66w1 48b½ 61w1315617,517,51296
48Fonseca Rafael Jose VerdeteCOI 17b0 57w0 56b0 65w1 64b½ 47w½ 58b1315316171328
49Pinto Antonio Filipe OliveiraPRT 23b0 62w½ 37b½ 64w1 31b0 41w½ 39b02,5162,519,521,51329
50Resende Fernando Miguel DuartePRT 20w½ 26b1 11w0 27b½ 7w0 32b0 53w½2,516224,5271403
51Lanca Sofia Martins CamachoLIS 28w½ 20b0 16w0 38b0 37b½ 59w1 54b½2,5159,521,523,51387
52Ribeiro Marcos CostaBRA 59b0 55w1 33b0 63w1 19b½ 40w0 37b02,5157,519211211
53Luis Rafael Alexandre NevesLRA 64b0 40w0 66b1 54w½ 39b0 63w½ 50b½2,5157,516161244
54Guimaraes Pedro Miguel MoreiraPRT 16w1 22w0 35b0 53b½ 30w0 44b½ 51w½2,51572123,51337
55Abreu Rui Manuel RodriguesBRA 8w0 52b0 44w0 30b0 65b1 56w½ 62b12,515018,519,51268
56Santos Ana Pereira DosLIS 35w0 34b0 48w1 58b0 61w0 55b½ 65b12,515016,517,51253
57Botao Antonio Renato Almeida MLIS 1w0 48b1 36w1 13w0 23b0 45b0 30w0217324,527,51347
58Silva Ana Rita GomesSET 18b0 47w1 17b0 56w1 12w0 42b0 48w021572224,51307
59Silva Rodolfo Do CoutoLRA 52w1 8b0 32w0 41b0 36w0 51b0 66w1215720201263
60Lopes Ashley Veronica MonizAÇO 14b0 33b0 61w0 66w1 63b½ 37w0 64b½2156,517,517,51214
61Ferreira Ines Geraldes MessederPRT 10b0 46w0 60b1 62w0 56b1 38w0 47b0215418,520,51196
62Ferreira Pedro Miguel CarvalhoBRA 32w0 49b½ 38w½ 61b1 27w0 26b0 55w0215219,521,51247
63Marques Andreia Filipa OliveiraFAR 24w0 15b0 65w1 52b0 60w½ 53b½ 44w0214318,519,51219
64Vieira Albina Isabel Dos SantosLIS 53w1 12b0 15w0 49b0 48w½ 36b0 60w½2138,520,522,51166
65Pinheiro Jorge Manuel SearaBRA 25b0 39w0 63b0 48b0 55w0 66b1 56w0114317,517,51029
66Ferreira Rita Gama HenriquesSET 11w0 41b0 53w0 60b0 47b0 65w0 59b00135,51718646

Tie Break1: Sum of Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (all Results)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)