Campeonato Nacional de Jovens - Portimão 09 Sub-12 - Época 2008/2009

Organizer(s)FP Xadrez / AXD Faro
FederationPortugal ( POR )
Tournament directorFernando Gouveia
Chief ArbiterVitorino Ferreira
ArbiterHélder Figueiredo e Marcos Gomes
Time control1H30 + 30'' each move
LocationEscola Secundária Poeta António Aleixo, Portimão
Number of rounds7
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculation -
Date2009/03/29 to 2009/04/02
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz Herzog

Last update 02.04.2009 13:56:53, Creator/Last Upload: fpxcastelobranco

Tournament selectionSub08, Sub10, Sub12, Sub14, Sub16, Sub18, Veteranos
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters No tournament details, no flags
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Final Ranking after 7 Rounds, Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7/7 , not paired
Top five players, Total statistics, medal statistics
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes

Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Martins David Pires TavaresBGÇ 40b1 22w1 14b0 34w1 24b1 16w1 3w16319327,529
2Aguiar Henrique Rui NevesAVE 41w1 23b1 15w1 8b1 3w0 7b1 5b½5,551962931,5
3Balu Henish HemendraPRT 42b1 24w1 16b1 12w1 2b1 5w½ 1b05,54202,53336
4Martins Guilherme Pires TavaresBGÇ 43w0 27b0 61w1 49b1 48b1 28w1 11w04311682122
5Mateus Andre Jardim SilvaPRT 44b1 26w1 17b1 14w1 9b1 3b½ 2w½612173032,5
6Dias Ivo RodriguesBRA 45w1 29b½ 35w1 69b1 7w0 19b½ 20w042517926,529,5
7Reis Francisco Seabra OliveiraAVE 46b1 28w1 19b½ 18w1 6b1 2w0 9b½5919426,529,5
8Dias Fabio Miguel PimentaSET 47w1 33b1 21w1 2w0 26b0 30b0 70w1421184,52628
9Figueira Bernardo Monteiro FLIS 48b1 32w½ 25b1 19w+ 5w0 21b1 7w½57199,527,531
10Ribeiro Joao Daniel PinhoBRA 49w1 35b0 69w0 51b1 43w1 53b0 39w03521652224
11Valente Joao Nuno BaptistaAVE 50b½ 52w1 27b1 32w1 12b0 18w1 4b15,5619226,530
12Correia Jorge Paulo Cardoso ViSET 51w1 39b1 77w1 3b0 11w1 20b1 26w162195,52831
13Rasteiro Rui Manuel Mendes SBRA 52b½ 64w1 32b0 70w0 58b1 48w½ 66b1423182,52022,5
14Damas Edi WilsonSET 53w1 43b1 1w1 5b0 23w1 26b0 19w½4,51519429,532,5
15Silva Tiago Oscar Gaspar DaAVE 54b1 34w1 2b0 38w½ 27b½ 76w1 25b15111902325
16Martins Miguel Alexandre RBGÇ 55w1 59b1 3w0 33b1 30w1 1b0 53w1512185,526,527,5
17Santos Carolina InacioAVE 56b1 36w1 5w0 35b½ 32b1 25w½ 27b151019024,528
18Ribeiro Bruno Rafael LeiteBRA 57w1 69b½ 29w1 7b0 35w1 11b0 30w14,520176,52626,5
19Faustino Tomas AlvesFAR 58b1 70w1 7w½ 9b- 38b1 6w½ 14b½4,514198,524,527
20Carvalho Bernardo Joao S GuerraPRT 59w0 55b1 43w1 39b1 70w1 12w0 6b1513182,52425
21Ferreira Ruben Alexandre BastoSET 60b1 76w1 8b0 48w½ 50b1 9w0 52b14,5171902325
22Saltao Ana Isabel RamosCOI 61w1 1b0 45w0 59b½ 60w½ 62b1 63w1433159,519,520,5
23Guedes Nuno Gonçalo PrinoLIS 62b1 2w0 42b1 76w1 14b0 27w0 48b½3,53419023,525,5
24Bastos João Pereira DeAVE 63w1 3b0 47w1 45b1 1w0 70b½ 59w14,51818624,526,5
25Santos Ricardo Alexandre LuisAVE 64b½ 66w1 9w0 36b1 69w1 17b½ 15w0424180,525,528,5
26Cavadas Francisco Manuel SilvaLRA 65w1 5b0 51w1 53b1 8w1 14w1 12b058194,52831
27Soares Francisco De Sousa PeresLIS 66b½ 4w1 11w0 67b1 15w½ 23b1 17w04291742629
28Dias Pedro Nuno CruzAVE 67w1 7b0 53w0 63b1 45w1 4b0 71w03541642326
29Rodrigues Guilherme Alcides ALIS 68b1 6w½ 18b0 50w0 54b1 52w0 58b13,539170,52122
30Raposo Ines Filipa AlmeidaSET 69w0 57b1 59w1 77b1 16b0 8w1 18b042617924,525
31Castro Vitor DuarteLRA 70b0 56w1 48b0 52w1 44b½ 74w½ 76b1427176,52022,5
32Teixeira Francisco Miguel P LPRT 71w1 9b½ 13w1 11b0 17w0 77b1 69w03,53518527,530,5
33Gaudencio Samanta QuintinoFAR 72b1 8w0 54b1 16w0 74b½ 50w0 73b13,543166,52123
34Dinis Afonso Brites Antunes GLIS 73w1 15b0 63w1 1b0 53w0 60b1 77w142817623,525,5
35Escobar Emilio SacchettiAVE 74b1 10w1 6b0 17w½ 18b0 64w1 50b03,536178,52427
36Santos Pedro Rodrigo C MoraisLIS 75w1 17b0 67w½ 25w0 66b½ 65b½ 74w13,54515721,523,5
37Cunha Tomas Pedro Bexiga RoqueLIS 76b0 58w1 70b0 54w0 64b0 68w1 49b13581591617
38Ribeiro Ricardo Miguel BrancoLIS 77w0 61b1 71w1 15b½ 19w0 59b0 65w02,5611622425
39Santos Emmanuel AnjosFAR 78b1 12w0 72b1 20w0 76b0 54w1 10b14321662122,5
40Alves Claudia Filipa Dos SantosPRT 1w0 63b0 66b1 58w½ 59w0 56b0 67w01,5741612224,5
41Antunes Ana Carolina GomesCOI 2b0 60w½ 76b0 66w0 46b0 75w1 68b12,56315918,519,5
42Baptista Daniel PrazeresLRA 3w0 65b1 23w0 71b1 77w0 63b0 60w134817622,524,5
43Bentes Sandra CarvalhoLIS 4b1 14w0 20b0 72w1 10b0 66w0 54b1351168,521,523,5
44Carneiro Tomas Filipe CastelaLIS 5w0 67b0 62w1 65b1 31w½ 69b0 56w02,562160,524,526,5
45Castro Diogo FerreiraSET 6b0 62w1 22b1 24w0 28b0 71w0 72b135616021,523,5
46Cruz Fabio Alexandre FerreiraLIS 7w0 71b0 65w0 73b½ 41w1 67b½ 62w1360152,520,522,5
47Duarte Miguel Verissimo CarvalhoSAN 8b0 68w1 24b0 74w0 71b0 58w0 57b12681501919,5
48Fernandes Miguel A MurtinhoCOI 9w0 73b1 31w1 21b½ 4w0 13b½ 23w½3,538171,524,527
49Ferreira Joao Bonaparte AlmeidaLIS 10b0 72w0 68b1 4w0 73b0 78w1 37w0273137,51617
50Ferreira Luis Pedro OliveiraLRA 11w½ 77b0 60w1 29b1 21w0 33b1 35w14,519178,523,525,5
51Gomes Hugo Miguel Da SilvaCOI 12b0 74w1 26b0 10w0 68b1 73w½ 64b½35017022,523,5
52Goncalves David Luis LopesLIS 13w½ 11b0 64w1 31b0 67w1 29b1 21w03,542167,524,527,5
53Leao Tiago Miguel Da SilvaLIS 14b0 78w1 28b1 26w0 34b1 10w1 16b0422183,524,526
54Medeiros Jenifer Alice AlonsoAÇO 15w0 75b1 33w0 37b1 29w0 39b0 43w0269148,52224
55Mela Vasco Afonso Faria Da MotaLIS 16b0 20w0 74b0 62b0 61w1 72w0 75b0175141,51920
56Mendes Ines Goncalves Alves RLIS 17w0 31b0 73w½ 64b0 57w1 40w1 44b13,54416618,519
57Mota Ana Maria SilvaAÇO 18b0 30w0 78b0 68w0 56b0 61w+ 47w017613916,517
58Munhoz Fernando Miguel AraujoLIS 19w0 37b0 75w1 40b½ 13w0 47b1 29w02,565147,519,521
59Nogueira Diana Sofia CunhaPRT 20b1 16w0 30b0 22w½ 40b1 38w1 24b03,5371742526,5
60Oliveira Madalena Cristovao LCOI 21w0 41b½ 50b0 78w1 22b½ 34w0 42b0266157,522,524
61Oliveira Renato Miguel MatosBRA 22b0 38w0 4b0 75w0 55b0 57b- 78w-078137,514,515,5
62Palmeirim Guilherme Pimenta PLIS 23w0 45b0 44b0 55w1 72b1 22w0 46b02671571819
63Pedroso Tiago CerqueiraAVE 24b0 40w1 34b0 28w0 75b1 42w1 22b035516320,522
64Pelote Guilherme Nuno Mora M ALIS 25w½ 13b0 52b0 56w1 37w1 35b0 51w½35316521,524,5
65Resendes Tiago MauricioAÇO 26b0 42w0 46b1 44w0 78b1 36w½ 38b13,54017019,521
66Rolo Andre Cabral Batista BLIS 27w½ 25b0 40w0 41b1 36w½ 43b1 13w03491712122,5
67Rolo Francisco Cabral Batista BLIS 28b0 44w1 36b½ 27w0 52b0 46w½ 40b1347179,519,521
68Rosario Miriam Vanessa CacadorBEJ 29w0 47b0 49w0 57b1 51w0 37b0 41w01771361616,5
69Santos Jose Miguel FonsecaCOI 30b1 18w½ 10b1 6w0 25b0 44w1 32b14,516190,52325,5
70Silva Ana Rita Carvalho LopesAVE 31w1 19b0 37w1 13b1 20b0 24w½ 8b03,54116826,529,5
71Silva Joao Francisco LavradorLIS 32b0 46w1 38b0 42w0 47w1 45b1 28b1430171,51820
72Sousa Hugo Manuel V FerreiraCOI 33w0 49b1 39w0 43b0 62w0 55b1 45w0270148,517,518,5
73Sousa Lourenco Peixoto C EgidioLIS 34b0 48w0 56b½ 46w½ 49w1 51b½ 33w02,564157,520,522,5
74Sousa Wilson Miguel NetoFAR 35w0 51b0 55w1 47b1 33w½ 31b½ 36b035715919,520,5
75Vieira Gabriel Dos SantosFAR 36b0 54w0 58b0 61b1 63w0 41b0 55w1271145,514,515,5
76Dias Antonio Manuel GomesFAR 37w1 21b0 41w1 23b0 39w1 15b0 31w03591572426,5
77Lima Filipe Manuel Oliveira DeLIS 38b1 50w1 12b0 30w0 42b1 32w0 34b03461872527,5
78Figueiredo Helena Alexandra SLIS 39w0 53b0 57w1 60b0 65w0 49b0 61b+272143,51717,5

Tie Break1: Sum Of Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (all Results)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)