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National Rapid Chess Championship-2015 @ Rourkela,Odisha Dt: 26th-28th Apr'2015 (GM Debashis Das !!!CHAMPION!!!)

Last update 29.04.2015 14:22:44, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMDebashis Das2536IND 28w1 30b1 6w1 3b½ 11w1 5b½ 17w1 2b1 4w1 7b1 9w½9,57165,576
2IMGhosh Diptayan2459IND 32w1 20b½ 19w1 7b1 3w1 17b½ 5w1 1w0 6b½ 8b1 11w18,570,564,576
3GMNeelotpal Das2411IND 22w1 16b1 17w1 1w½ 2b0 13w1 11b1 8b½ 5w0 20b1 12w1870,564,576,5
4IMRathnakaran K.2432IND 37w1 19b½ 21w1 11b0 15w1 7b1 9w½ 12b1 1b0 6w1 5w1869,563,574
5IMSatyapragyan Swayangsu2414IND 38b1 23w1 14b½ 18w1 12b1 1w½ 2b0 10w1 3b1 11w½ 4b07,57266,576,5
6IMMurali Krishnan B.T.2317IND 36b1 25w1 1b0 14w1 13b0 24w½ 21b1 18w1 2w½ 4b0 22w17696374
7IMSharma Dinesh K.2388IND 31b1 18w½ 10b1 2w0 39b1 4w0 24b1 23w1 11b½ 1w0 19b17686372,5
8IMSwapnil S. Dhopade2447IND 26b1 13w1 11b½ 12w0 18b1 10w½ 16b1 3w½ 14b½ 2w0 20w17686274
9IMDas Arghyadip2466IND 27b1 10w½ 18b0 35b1 20w1 12w½ 4b½ 14w½ 19b½ 16w1 1b½7686273
10Dhulipalla Bala Chandra Prasad2104IND 43w1 9b½ 7w0 21b1 28w1 8b½ 19w1 5b0 15w1 12b0 18w176559,569,5
11IMDeshmukh Anup2266IND 34w1 33b1 8w½ 4w1 1b0 30b1 3w0 17b1 7w½ 5b½ 2b06,571,566,576,5
12IMSuvrajit Saha2327IND 15w1 21b½ 20w1 8b1 5w0 9b½ 13w1 4w0 16b½ 10w1 3b06,5706476
13Srinath Rao S.V.2079IND 40w1 8b0 32w1 22b1 6w1 3b0 12b0 16w0 31b1 25w1 14b½6,5645968,5
14Sahoo Utkal Ranjan2213IND 39b1 24w1 5w½ 6b0 19w½ 33b1 23w½ 9b½ 8w½ 18b½ 13w½6,563,558,568
15Muthukumar C P1627IND 12b0 48w1 24b1 26w1 4b0 16w0 25b1 21w1 10b0 30w1 23w½6,562,557,565,5
16Debarshi Mukherjee1941IND 48b1 3w0 38b1 31w1 17w0 15b1 8w0 13b1 12w½ 9b0 30w16,56257,565
17Mari Arul S.2133IND 42b1 41w1 3b0 37w1 16b1 2w½ 1b0 11w0 24b½ 19w½ 21b½66661,570,5
18FMRakesh Kumar Jena1961IND 49w1 7b½ 9w1 5b0 8w0 28b1 22w1 6b0 32w1 14w½ 10b066660,569
19Sa Kannan2001IND 45b1 4w½ 2b0 34w1 14b½ 31w1 10b0 33w1 9w½ 17b½ 7w06656069
20Singh Pritam2046IND 44b1 2w½ 12b0 41w1 9b0 22b½ 26w1 31w1 23b1 3w0 8b066459,568
21G Hema Chandra Mouli1870IND 29b1 12w½ 4b0 10w0 34b1 39w1 6w0 15b0 42w1 28b1 17w½661,55766
22Rahul Srivatshav P1662IND 3b0 45w1 25b1 13w0 27b1 20w½ 18b0 30w½ 33b1 24w1 6b0661,556,565,5
23Bose Sayan2011IND 47w1 5b0 37w0 36b1 32w+ 25w1 14b½ 7b0 20w0 29w1 15b½659,55563
Rajdeep Sarkar1856IND 35w1 14b0 15w0 47b1 26w1 6b½ 7w0 37b1 17w½ 22b0 36b1659,55563
25Saurabh Mandal1915IND 51w1 6b0 22w0 43b1 35w1 23b0 15w0 36b1 26w1 13b0 31w165752,559,5
26Ram Charan1714IND 8w0 40b1 30w1 15b0 24b0 46w1 20b0 35w1 25b0 44w1 32b1655,551,559
27Das Susobhit1738IND 9w0 43b1 35w0 50b1 22w0 42w1 31b0 44w1 30b0 40b1 34w1650,546,553,5
28Bihari P.K.1742IND 1b0 42w1 36b1 39w½ 10b0 18w0 29b0 46w1 38b1 21w0 41b15,55752,560,5
29Parichha Sk0IND 21w0 34b0 40w1 49b1 33w0 37b½ 28w1 32b0 41w1 23b0 42w15,550,54653,5
30Rakesh Kumar Nayak2079IND 46b1 1w0 26b0 38w1 37b1 11w0 32w½ 22b½ 27w1 15b0 16b0561,55765
31Pvs Aravind1659IND 7w0 49b1 33w1 16b0 41w1 19b0 27w1 20b0 13w0 37b1 25b055853,561
32N.N.Behera1714IND 2b0 46w1 13b0 44w1 23b- 45w1 30b½ 29w1 18b0 34b½ 26w0556,552,560
33Samal Ansuman1763IND 52b1 11w0 31b0 46w1 29b1 14w0 35b1 19b0 22w0 36w0 44b155349,553,5
34Varma Vikrant1547IND 11b0 29w1 41b½ 19b0 21w0 44w1 38b0 47b1 37w1 32w½ 27b05534956,5
35Mohanty Binikesh1365IND 24b0 52w1 27b1 9w0 25b0 38w1 33w0 26b0 40b0 48w1 45b15524952,5
36Shashi Nand Kumar1574IND 6w0 51b1 28w0 23w0 44b0 41b1 40w1 25w0 45b1 33b1 24w05524854,5
37Swain Diptanshu Ranjan1706IND 4b0 44w1 23b1 17b0 30w0 29w½ 39b1 24w0 34b0 31w0 46b14,554,550,558
38Valsan Kanavath1674IND 5w0 47b1 16w0 30b0 40w1 35b0 34w1 42b½ 28w0 41b0 52w14,551,54852
39Atul Bihari Sharan1451IND 14w0 50b1 42w1 28b½ 7w0 21b0 37w0 41b0 51w1 43b½ 40w½4,550,547,553
40Routray Priyanka1182IND 13b0 26w0 29b0 52w1 38b0 48w1 36b0 43b1 35w1 27w0 39b½4,550,547,551
41Gobardhan Behera1819IND 50w1 17b0 34w½ 20b0 31b0 36w0 49b1 39w1 29b0 38w1 28w04,5504753
42Debata Sarthak1342IND 17w0 28b0 39b0 48w1 47w1 27b0 45b1 38w½ 21b0 46w1 29b04,54945,552
43Panda Sidhanta1339IND 10b0 27w0 48b1 25w0 45b0 49w1 44b0 40w0 50b1 39w½ 51b14,5454247,5
44Mohanty Soyamsree1154IND 20w0 37b0 51w1 32b0 36w1 34b0 43w1 27b0 47w1 26b0 33w045147,553,5
45Dash Biswaswarup1072IND 19w0 22b0 50w0 51b1 43w1 32b0 42w0 48b1 36w0 52b1 35w044542,545,5
46Samal Aditya Ranjan1269IND 30w0 32b0 49w1 33b0 50w1 26b0 47w½ 28b0 52w1 42b0 37w03,545,542,546
47Das Samarth1112IND 23b0 38w0 52b1 24w0 42b0 50w1 46b½ 34w0 44b0 51w1 49b03,541,53942
48Milind Kaushik0IND 16w0 15b0 43w0 42b0 51w1 40b0 52w1 45w0 49b1 35b0 50w034441,544,5
49Basil Gouda0IND 18b0 31w0 46b0 29w0 52b1 43b0 41w0 51b0 48w0 50b1 47w134138,541,5
50Sarthak Pujari0IND 41b0 39w0 45b1 27w0 46b0 47b0 51w0 52b1 43w0 49w0 48b133936,539,5
51Panda Hrishikesh0IND 25b0 36w0 44b0 45w0 48b0 52w½ 50b1 49w1 39b0 47b0 43w02,540,537,541
52Satwik Patnaik0IND 33w0 35b0 47w0 40b0 49w0 51b½ 48b0 50w0 46b0 45w0 38b00,5393641,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)