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2015 youth championships of ESSTH-H - girls U16

Last update 28.12.2014 13:27:45, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Club Union

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Starting rank

1Pasoglou Ekaterini4247663GRE1693
2Mastrakouli Evagelia4229347GRE1637
3Koutsoura Georgia4247930GRE1517
4Nikolaidou Maria4240022GRE1329
5Galani Anna4278429GRE1298
6Manassi Eleni4282531GRE1273
7Houhouli Hristina4247477GRE1271
8Tananaki Irini4236335GRE1249
9Vouzina Olybia - Dialekti4283406GRE1005