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III Riga Chess Federation Cup blitz chess with a rating of up to ~ 2300 22.01.14

Last update 22.01.2014 20:16:41, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKLaimins Lauris2133LAT 19w1 15b½ 22w½ 21b1 2b1 6w½ 5w1 7b16,52837,52311
2NMMustaps Matiss2388LAT 10w1 11b1 8w1 5b½ 1w0 16b1 3b½ 12w163040,52338
3FMLevchenkov Vitaly2229LAT 21w1 22b½ 15w½ 7b1 11w1 5b1 2w½ 4b½62938,52288
4MKBojarincevs Olegs2066LAT 26w1 16b1 5w0 15b1 13w1 7b½ 6b1 3w½628,5372274
5MKKalnins Kristaps2281LAT 25b1 6w1 4b1 2w½ 9b1 3w0 1b0 16w15,532,5422269
6MKLaizans Aivars2114LAT 20w1 5b0 28w1 22b1 8w1 1b½ 4w0 11b15,528,536,52173
7MKKolesnikovs Ivans2043LAT 13b1 12w1 3w0 17b1 4w½ 15b1 1w0528,5392222
8MKBolsakovs Vadims2118LAT 18b1 9w1 2b0 23w1 6b0 15w0 24b1 19w1525342003
9MKMelderis Uldis1983LAT 29w1 8b0 20w1 16b1 5w0 11b½ 17w½ 15b1525322132
10IVilums Aldis1918LAT 2b0 14w1 18b0 29w1 23b1 22b1 11w0 17w1523,5312030
11MKBatakovs Olegs2082LAT 31b1 2w0 24b1 18w1 3b0 9w½ 10b1 6w04,52836,52010
12MKDzjuba Vsevolod2185LAT 30w1 7b0 17w0 19b1 27w1 22b+ 2b04,523,530,51965
13MKKilgasts Boleslavs2154LAT 17b½ 7w0 14b1 25w1 4b0 24w0 27b1 26w14,52230,51920
14IGercans Visvaldis1840LAT 10b0 13w0 20b1 27w0 28b1 23w1 25w14,520,5271879
15MKAlipovs Anatoljs2034LAT 28b1 1w½ 3b½ 4w0 18b1 8b1 7w0 9w0430,538,52015
16NMTokranovs Dmitrijs2215LAT 24b1 4w0 17b1 9w0 21b1 2w0 25b1 5b0427362028
17MKAuzins Artis2039LAT 13w½ 27b1 16w0 12b1 7w0 21w1 9b½ 10b042633,52013
18MKZalcmane Vija1700LAT 8w0 29b1 10w1 11b0 15w0 26b0 -1 24w1421,5281856
19IReznikovs Aleksandrs1754LAT 1b0 23w0 31b1 30w1 12w0 20b1 26w1 8b0420,5281828
20IBirjukovs Anatolijs1673LAT 6b0 25w1 9b0 14w0 29b1 19w0 21b½ 27w13,522,529,51837
21IRoze Janis1813LAT 3b0 31w1 30b1 1w0 16w0 17b0 20w½ 28b13,521,5291901
22NMDaudzvardis Janis2054LAT 23b1 3w½ 1b½ 6w0 24b1 10w0 12w- -032837,51947
23IDeglis Dainis1524LAT 22w0 19b1 27w1 8b0 10w0 25w0 14b0 31b132330,51789
24IOzols Andris1764LAT 16w0 26b1 11w0 28b1 22w0 13b1 8w0 18b032329,51882
25IMitenieks Matiss1893LAT 5w0 20b0 26w1 13b0 28w1 23b1 16w0 14b0322291802
26IZvans Maris1575LAT 4b0 24w0 25b0 -1 30w1 18w1 19b0 13b0320271714
27MKNI Polina1793LAT 17w0 23b0 31w1 14b1 12b0 13w0 20b02,523301707
28IDumins Edgars1850LAT 15w0 -1 6b0 24w0 25b0 14w0 29b1 21w0221281592
29IOsovitnijs Deniss1850LAT 9b0 18w0 -1 10b0 20w0 31b0 28w0 30b1218,524,51482
30INevickis Sergejs1774LAT -1 12b0 21w0 19b0 26b0 -1 31w0 29w021823,51003
31IMesters Janis1639LAT 11w0 21b0 19w0 27b0 -0 29w1 30b1 23w021722,51641

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)