2nd Grand Prix Epikoinonia's- 4th rapid Attica Rapid Championship 2013

Last update 29.12.2013 21:58:08, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

Tournament selection1st BLITZ, 1st RAPID, 2nd BLITZ, 2nd RAPID, 3rd BLITZ, 3rd RAPID, 4th BLITZ, 4th RAPID
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters Show tournament details
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Final Ranking after 6 Rounds, Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6/6 , not paired
Excel and PrintExport to Excel (.xlsx), Export to PDF-File, QR-Codes

Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1IMManagadze Nikoloz2446GEO 22w1 12b1 10w1 6b1 3w½ 4b15,5124,55416,5
2FMAggelis Nikolaos2345GRE 23b½ 28w1 13b1 7w0 16b½ 19w1412184212,5
3Kourousis Epaminondas2340GRE 24w1 14b½ 9w1 8b1 1b½ 15w½4,54204613
4IMKaragiannis Athanasios2309GRE 25b1 13w½ 19b1 16w1 7b1 1w04,53234414,5
5FMGoritsas Christos2282GRE 26w1 16b0 18w1 20b1 22w0 21b14821,54014,5
6Papadimitriou Athanasios2265GRE 27b1 15w1 11b1 1w0 21b1 22w15223,55015,5
7Dounis Alexandros2246GRE 29w1 18b½ 14w1 2b1 4w0 8b14,5519,54614
8Georgiou Kostantinos2229GRE 30b1 17w1 16b½ 3w0 18b1 7w03,513233615,5
9Skaperdas Kostantinos2198GRE 31w+ 19w½ 3b0 18b0 34w0 -01,53819,51412,5
10Tsichlis Georgios2174GRE 33b1 21w1 1b0 17w1 15b0 16w0318233015
11Panagiotakos Nikolaos2171GRE 34w1 20b1 6w0 22b0 24w1 26w14921,54014,5
12Dimitriou G.2080GRE 35b1 1w0 28b1 21w0 23b½ 27w13,51614,5369
13Pantazopoulos Stavros2074GRE 36w1 4b½ 2w0 26b½ 25w1 20b031921,53214
14Komninos Nikolaos2066GRE 37b1 3w½ 7b0 19w½ 26b0 38w132119,52813
15Drakoulakos Grigorios2001GRE 38w1 6b0 29w1 24b1 10w1 3b½4,5617,54611,5
16Vazelakis Dimitrios1999GRE 39b1 5w1 8w½ 4b0 2w½ 10b1410213814,5
17Drakopoulos Polihronis1998GRE 40w1 8b0 32w1 10b0 42w½ 33b13,51714,53410
18Hrisanthopoulos Dimitrios1986GRE 41b1 7w½ 5b0 9w1 8w0 42b13,514183412
19Kaldis Georgios1958GRE 42w1 9b½ 4w0 14b½ 41w1 2b032317,53211,5
20Tsiros Fragkiskos Vlasios1929GRE 43b1 11w0 30b1 5w0 36b1 13w1411194013
21Harokopakis Georgios1915GRE 32w1 10b0 34w1 12b1 6w0 5w0320213014
22Zamit Kyriakos1880GRE 1b0 23w1 36b1 11w1 5b1 6b047244016
23Lazaridis-Elmaloglou Lazaros1866GRE 2w½ 22b0 42w½ 32b1 12w½ 34b02,52719,52213,5
24Sklavounos Panagis1833GRE 3b0 35w1 38b1 15w0 11b0 36w0232182013,5
25Gkoulios Konstantinos1825GRE 4w0 36b0 37b1 38w1 13b0 39w1325173010,5
26Bouboulis Spyridon-Odysseys1801GRE 5b0 37w½ 33b1 13w½ 14w1 11b0322192812,5
27Koutsidis Achilleas1754GRE 6w0 38b0 40w1 34b½ 37w1 12b02,52917,52611,5
28Chalikias Miltiadis1752GRE -1 2b0 12w0 41b0 33w0 -014016,51010,5
29Kiriazis Dimitrios1700GRE 7b0 39w1 15b0 36w0 38b0 37b013918,51012
30Berketis Angelos1659GRE 8w0 40b1 20w0 42b0 43w1 41b1326153010
31Santorinaios Hristodoulos1591GRE 9b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -004213,509
32Tsiantas Theofanis1585GRE 21b0 41w1 17b0 23w0 39b0 35w123513209,5
33Spanos Haralabos1581GRE 10w0 42b½ 26w0 43b1 28b1 17w02,530152610,5
34Giannelos Stylianos1563GRE 11b0 43w1 21b0 27w½ 9b1 23w13,51515,53410
35Christopoulos Orestis-Alexios1521GRE 12w0 24b0 41w0 37w0 40b0 32b00431308,5
36Spyropoulos Nikolaos1463GRE 13b0 25w1 22w0 29b1 20w0 24b1324173012
37Santorinaios Iakovos1422GRE 14w0 26b½ 25w0 35b1 27b0 29w12,53112,5269,5
38Stamatis Apostolos1416GRE 15b0 27w1 24w0 25b0 29w1 14b0234162010,5
39Koutsidi Amalia1402GRE 16w0 29b0 43w0 40b1 32w1 25b023613208
40Bardis Harilaos-Panagiotis1368GRE 17b0 30w0 27b0 39w0 35w1 43b014113109,5
41Vasilakopoulos Georgios1184GRE 18w0 32b0 35b1 28w1 19b0 30w023712,5209
42Hatzithomas Thomas1870GRE 19b0 33w½ 23b½ 30w1 17b½ 18w02,528182612
43Makris Stavros0GRE 20w0 34b0 39b1 33w0 30b0 40w1233162011

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Arranz System (Win:1 / Draw: 0.6 black, 0.4 white, lost: 0)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)