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Festival Sudamericano de la Juventud - Categoria Sub-18 Absoluto - del 7 al 13 de Diciembre - Colonia del Sacramento Uruguay

Posledná aktualizácia 13.12.2024 18:52:35, Creator/Last Upload: AI Leandro

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Štartová listina

1FMGarzon Zapatanga, Christopher Leonel3634787ECU2289
2Mayta Aiza, Maveric3307336BOL2262
3Munoz Triana, Joseph Steve4481712COL2256
4FMCaceres Benitez, Arturo Eduardo3710769PAR2253
5FMReyes Zavaleta, Fabian Ricardo3844153PER2253
6Carrizo, Luciano Ariel199567ARG2202
7FMAmigo Quintana, Antu3441385CHI2196
8Chiappero, Julio Alfredo139998ARG2194
9Unhold, Valentin189030ARG2170
10FMMunoz Ramos, Christopher3439615CHI2137
11CMCahuapaza Tarapaca, Leonardo3845621PER2102
12CMQuiroz Alva, Franco Rodrigo3846881PER2084
13Palma Araya, David3457737CHI2083
14Kulik, Nicolas3009530URU2064
15CMMeza Astrada, Agustin20018770ARG2049
16Ramirez Camilla, Agustin3451135CHI2004
17Guerrero Cajeca, Matias Israel3635449ECU1988
18CMZapata Romero, Italo German3842517PER1965
19Zelaya Aragon, Eros Ivan20002483ARG1932
20Miller, Ariel3009742URU1920
21Martello, Benjamin3015289URU1894
22Sifuentes Alcantara, Jhony Sebas3833488PER1894
23Varela, Mateo3019519URU1889
24Parrilla, Juan Jose194093ARG1876
25Aviles Portal, Pedro Carlos3312445BOL1843
26Huallpa Fernandez, Hector Manuel3858880PER1809
27Caceres Benitez, Fernando Israel3710777PAR1802
28Tessadri, Lucca3019993URU1724
29Piriz, Facundo3019608URU1702
30Pilamunga, Manuel3633985ECU1656
31Gonzalez Bodega, Juliana3016145URU1526
32Vargas Ladron De Guevara, Antonio Alejandro3474615CHI1485